Version Description
3.1.73 (2022-09-26) - Updated field masks for lockbits for MPLAB and XC8.
3.0.67 (2022-03-03)
        Multiple updates to ATtiny416auto:
        - Multiple updates to ATDFs, including new mode description and updated ATDF schema to version 4.5.
        - Updated FUSES initvals.
        - Added HV_IMPLEMENTATION property to indicate available UPDI HV option.
        - Added an underscore between bitfield name and bitfield bit-number for bitfield defines on bitfields with more than one bit for both C-header and assembler .inc files.
        - Changed LOCKBIT struct define name to LOCK_BIT to avoid redefine issue.
        - Replaced master/slave with host/client in captions.
2.2.55 (2021-07-13) Updated copyright notice in c-header files. Added CCL TRUTH bitfields for ATtiny416auto.
2.1.39 (2020-05-05) Changes to support files for XC8 2.20. Added memberofperipheral for VirtualPin in ATtiny416auto.PIC. Added magic offsets for fuse and lockbits in PIC file. Corrected MAPPED_PROGMEM rw-attribute, USART CTRLC reset value and added LOCKBITS_DEFAULT for ATtiny416auto.
2.0.6 (2019-04-16) Added isexecutable attribute to SRAM in ATtiny416auto.PIC.
2.0.2 (2019-01-24) Succeeds Atmel.ATautomotive_DFP 1.2.118.
Version Description
3.3.279 (2025-01-23)
        - Updated access bits for USART, CTRL, and STATUS registers.
        - Updated package variants information.
        - Updated access bits for CANHPMOB for AT90CANxxx.
        - Updated VDD voltage for AT90USB646/647 and ATmega406.
3.2.269 (2023-12-15) - UDBC-2594 Fixed access mask for UCSR0A register. - DEVXML-5073 Cleaned up header guards after inlining the iomx8 header to the specific device headers. - DEVXML-4894 Spellchecked captions.
3.1.264 (2022-12-06)
        - DEVXML-4638 Fixed signal names and caption typos for mega-0 devices.
        - DEVXML-4577 Updated Timer/Counter captions in ATDF for ATmega328PB.
        - DEVXML-1091 Added duplicates for ATmega324A/P/PA and ATmega164A/P/PA SPI registers and bitfields (
        - Fixed decoding of the device id and revision in MPLAB X.
3.0.158 (2022-03-01)
        - Multiple updates to AVR8X ATDFs, including new mode description and updating ATDF schema to version 4.5.
        - Updated FUSES initvals for AVR8X devices.
        - Added TOSC and XTAL signals in ATDF for ATmega328 family devices.
        - Added support for AT90PWM3.
        - For AVR8X devices, added HV_IMPLEMENTATION property to indicate available UPDI HV option.
        - For AVR8X devices, added an underscore between bitfield name and bitfield bit-number for bitfield defines on bitfields with more than one bit for both C-header and assembler .inc files.
        - For AVR8X devices, changed LOCKBIT struct define name to LOCK_BIT to avoid redefine issue.
        - For AVR8X devices, corrected VCCmax.
        - Corrected USERROW module size for ATmega4809/4808/3209/3208.
        - For AVR8X devices, replaced master/slave with host/client in captions.
2.4.131 (2021-07-13) Added TOSC32K option to RTC.CLKSEL for ATmega4809/4808/3209/3208/1609/1608/809/808.
2.3.126 (2020-12-01) Updated copyright notice in c-header files. Corrected numbering of PORTMUX EVOUT from numbers to letters, added bitfields to CCL TRUTH registers, and removed 32kHz option from RTC_CLKSEL for ATmega4809/4808/3209/3208/1609/1608/809/808.
2.2.108 (2020-05-05) Changes to support files for XC8 2.20. Added magic offsets for fuse and lockbits in PIC file. Add DIDR0.ADC6D and DIDR0.ADC7D bits to ATmega328PB. Corrected MAPPED_ROGMEM rw-attribute and added LOCKBITS_DEFAULT for AVR8X devices. Show memory mapped flash in MPLAB X.
2.1.87 (2019-12-20) Added memberofperipheral for VirtualPin in PIC files. Updated fuse values in header for mega4809/4808/3209/3208/1609/1608/809/808. Group adjacent reserved bytes in arrays in the header files. Removed duplication of PROGMEM defines. Set interrupt vector size for ATmega809/808 to 4 bytes. Corrected data memory size.
2.0.12 (2019-04-26) Added missing registers and corrected event generator list for mega4809/4808/3209/3208/1609/1608/809/808.
2.0.2 (2019-01-24) Succeeds Atmel.ATmega_DFP 1.3.300.
Version Description
3.2.268 (2025-01-13) - Updated access bits for USART, CTRL, and STATUS registers.
3.1.260 (2023-08-16)
        - DEVXML-2266 Added LUT Clock Source Selection enum for tiny devices with CCL.
        - MPLABXE-6896 Display AVR device ID and rev ID in the correct order in MPLAB X.
        - DEVXML-2266 Added description of CCL LUT clock source.
        - DEVXML-2266 Added pin information for CCL LUT outputs.
        - DEVXML-4748 Fixed description of location of XDIR0 ALT1 pin.
        - DEVXML-4492 Removed EVOUTC from port multiplexer EVSYS for ATTiny1624.
3.0.151 (2022-03-02)
        - Multiple updates to AVR8X ATDFs, including new mode description and updated ATDF schema to version 4.5.
        - Updated FUSES initvals for AVR8X devices.
        - Removed deprecated SIG-defines from ATtiny11/12/15.
        - Added HV_IMPLEMENTATION property to indicate available UPDI HV option.
        - For AVR8X devices, added an underscore between bitfield name and bitfield bit-number for bitfield defines on bitfields with more than one bit for both C-header and assembler .inc files.
        - For AVR8X devices, changed LOCKBIT struct define name to LOCK_BIT to avoid redefine issue.
        - For AVR8X devices, replaced master/slave with host/client in captions.
2.7.128 (2021-07-13) Corrected AVR-LibC device macro for ATtiny84A.
2.6.122 (2021-03-01) Added support for ATtiny322x. Changed nomenclature for serial communication. Fixed mapping of RAM addresses 0x3C00-0x3FFF for ATtiny1617/1616/1614 RTL-based simulator model. Removed external 32kHz crystal option from ATtiny160x/80x/40x/20x. Added SYSCFG0.TOUTDIS for ATtiny42x/82x/162x. Added value NONE (0x00) to TCA0.SINGLE.EVCTRL EVACTB. Added CCL TRUTH bitfields for several devices. Joined CCL_SEQSEL0 and CCL_SEQSEL1 into one value-group, CCL_SEQSEL, for ATtiny42x/82x/162x.
2.5.116 (2020-09-18) Added support for ATtiny42x and ATtiny82x. Added missing CCL INSEL options for ATtiny161x and ATtiny321x. Corrected AC DACREF bitfield name for ATtiny162x. Added PAGE_SIZE for memories in several assembler include files. Fixed issue with debug session aborting due to handing of DBGRUN bit.
2.4.108 (2020-08-27) Updated copyright notice in c-header files. Corrected ADC MUXPOS and MUXNEG values, corrected PORTMUX.TCAROUTEA and PORTMUX.TCAROUTEB bitfields, added more values to other PORTMUX bitfields and renamed the ADC DAC source to DACREF0 for ATtiny162x devices.
2.3.92 (2020-06-04) Timer/Counter caption correction. Corrected PORTMUX.EVSYSROUTEA bitfield names for ATtiny162x devices.
2.2.89 (2020-05-05) Changes to support files for XC8 2.20. Added magic offsets for fuse and lockbits in PIC file. Corrected USART CTRLC reset value for ATtiny161x, ATtiny4xx and ATtiny2xx. Added LOCKBITS_DEFAULT and corrected MAPPED_PROGMEM rw-attribute for AVR8X devices. Show memory mapped flash in MPLAB X.
2.1.63 (2019-12-18) Added memberofperipheral for VirtualPin in PIC files. Updated fuse information for ATtiny3217/3216/1617/1616/1614. Removed duplication of PROGMEM defines. Group adjacent reserved bytes in arrays in the header files. Corrected defines for ATtiny1634. Corrected PA1 and PA2 pad connection for ATtiny202/212/402/412. Added missing TCCR1B.PWMX bit for ATtiny261/261A/461/461A/861/861A. Added ATtiny1627/1626/1624.
2.0.10 (2019-04-25) Added missing TCB1 PORTMUX for ATtiny3217/3216/1617/1616/1614. Added missing TCCR1B.PWMX bit for ATtiny261/261A/461/461A/861/861A.
2.0.2 (2019-01-24) Corrected TC2 instance in ATtiny441. Corrected defines for ATtiny1634. Refactored away family header files, now there is one header file per device. Corrected FUSE_MEMORY_SIZE for ATtiny4/5/9/10/20/40. Added simulator support for mega1609/1608/809/808. Succeeds Atmel.ATtiny_DFP 1.3.229.
Version Description
2.7.321 (2025-02-19)
        - Updated package variants information and pinout lists.
        - Updated missing instruction sets for AVR128DA28S.
        - Removed unnecessary output size parameter.
        - Updated signal group names.
        - Updated Event System.
        - Updated Access bits.
        - Added initvals for some timer registers.
        - Added missing bits for TCD registers.
        - Removed RAMPZ for devices with less than 64kb flash.
        - Added AVR32DA28S, AVR32DA32S, AVR32DA48S, AVR64DA28S, AVR64DA32S, AVR64DA48S, AVR64DA64S
2.6.303 (2024-08-01) - Added AVR128DA28S, AVR128DA32S, AVR128DA48S, and AVR128DA64S. - Fixed spelling of ADC_START_EVENT_TTRIGGER to ADC_START_EVENT_TRIGGER.
2.5.294 (2024-04-23) - Added AVR16DU14, AVR16DU20, AVR16DU28, AVR16DU32, AVR32DU14, AVR32DU20, AVR32DU28, and AVR32DU32.
2.4.286 (2023-12-12) - Added AVR64DU28 and AVR64DU32.
2.3.272 (2022-12-16)
        - MPLABXE-6808 MPLABXE-6901 Enables configuring of how to access const variables on devices with more than 32k flash.
        - DEVXML-4651 Corrected EVSYS CHANNEL9 PIT output names.
        - DEVXML-4639 Updated SPI prescaler and TCA clock select bit-value descriptions.
        - DEVXML-4582 Corrected bit values for EVSYS.SWEVENTB.
2.2.159 (2022-04-20) Added prerequisite to MPLAB X 6.05 or newer for AVR DD devices. In XC8, disabled mapped-progmem feature for AVR128DA devices.
2.1.152 (2022-02-01) Added support for AVR16/32DD devices.
2.0.151 (2022-01-28)
        - Multiple updates to ATDFs, including new mode description and updated ATDF schema to version 4.5.
        - Added HV_IMPLEMENTATION property to indicate available UPDI HV option.
        - Add an underscore between bitfield name and bitfield bit-number for bitfield defines on bitfields with more than one bit for both C-header and assembler .inc files.
        - In assembler include files removed mode name from USART CMODE group configuration defines.
        - Added value-group for ADC CONVMODE.
        - Corrected SYSCFG0 default value on AVR DD devices.
        - Corrected AC and ADC channel select values for AVR DD devices.
        - Corrected value names for bitfield SELHF in CLKCTRL.XOSCHFCTRLA for AVR DD devices.
1.10.124 (2021-10-25) Fixed AVR-LibC EEPROM read/write routines for avr-gcc. Corrected alternative USART1 pins on AVR DD devices. Added byte address defines for registers larger than 8 bits in assembler include files.
1.9.119 (2021-07-20) Renamed bitfield in CLKCTRL.OSCHFCTRLA from FREQSEL to FRQSEL. Fixed AVR-LibC EEPROM read/write routines for XC8. Changes to exploit config mapped flash on supported compilers.
1.8.112 (2021-04-29) Added bitmask values for PORT.INTFLAGS and VPORT.INTFLAGS for AVR DA devices.
1.7.98 (2021-03-05) Added support for AVR64DD. Added TRUTH bitfields to CCL.TRUTHn registers. Changed nomenclature for serial communication. Renamed external clock source selection in AVR DB from CRYSTAL to XTAL. Added value NONE (0x00) to TCA0.SINGLE.EVCTRL EVACTB. Renamed CLKCTRL.XOSCHFCTRLA.SELHF value CRYSTAL to XTAL for AVR DB devices.
1.6.88 (2020-09-18) Added bitfield information in .pic files for BOOTSIZE and CODESIZE fuses. Added PAGE_SIZE for memories in assembler include files. Added support for AVR32DB and AVR64DB. Fixed issue with debug session aborting due to handing of DBGRUN bit.
1.5.82 (2020-09-11) Corrected RAMPZ mask. Corrected typo in TCB CLKSEL value. Removed unavailable options in PORTMUX for device variants in smaller packages.
1.4.75 (2020-08-14) Add HTLLEN bit to VREGCTRL. Added bitfields for CCL INTFLAGS. Corrected RS485 mode bitfield values for USART. Updated copyright notice in c-header files.
1.3.65 (2020-06-30) Corrected TWI signals and added missing ADC inputs for AVR DA. Updated AC INTMODE values and CLKCTRL SOURCE bit. Updated OPAMP MUXPOS values for AVR DB.
1.2.52 (2020-06-04) Added support for AVR32DA, AVR64DA and AVR128DB devices. Corrected PORTMUX TWI signals. Removed peripheral instances not present in device.
1.1.40 (2020-05-04) Changes to support files for XC8 2.20. Corrected SPI1 alternative pins for AVR128DA48 and AVR128DA64. Updated external clock and clock output signals. Corrected CORE_VERSION. Added PTC interrupt vector and renamed NMI vector. Added LOCKBITS_DEFAULT. Show memory mapped flash in MPLAB X.
1.0.18 (2020-01-03) Initial release.
Version Description
2.11.221 (2025-02-18)
        - Removed unnecessary output size parameter.
        - Updated TCB.
        - Updated Event System.
        - Corrected pin names.
        - CPU RAMPZ removed for all devices with less than or equal to 64kb flash.
        - PORTMUX ACROUTEA removed for devices without alternate AC outputs.
        - "Corrected pin names" can be changed to "Corrected pin names and package variants".
2.10.205 (2024-09-12) - Added support for AVR32EBxx.
2.9.197 (2024-02-29) - Updated AVR EB PORTMUX. - Added missing WEX FAULTDET interrupt vector to AVR16EB32.
2.8.189 (2023-11-08) Made the PLLS bit visible in the CLKCTRL.STATUS register.
2.7.184 (2023-10-02) Updated bitfields in BLANKCTRL register.
2.6.181 (2023-08-24)
        - Added missing define of PORTA2 group config to TCEROUTEA.
        - For AVR32EB28 added options AIN18, AIN19, AIN20, AIN21 missing from MUXPOS and MUXNEG registers.
        - Added missing package defines.
        - Corrected define FDFEVA, FDFEVB and FDFEVC interrupt names.
        - BOD CTRLB is read-only.
2.5.176 (2023-06-26) - Added support for AVR16EBxx.
2.4.168 (2023-04-18) - Added support for AVR16EAxx and AVR32EAxx.
2.3.167 (2023-03-22) - MPLABXE-6808 MPLABXE-6901 Enables configuring of how to access const variables on devices with more than 32k flash. - Update signal descriptions and captions for certain registers.
2.2.56 (2022-04-22) Added prerequisite to MPLAB X 6.05 or newer. Fixed startup for devices that write to NVMCTRL.CTRLB to use CCP.
2.1.48 (2022-03-03) Corrected typo in ADC MUXNEG AC1 DAC value reference. Corrected NVMCTRL module id.
2.0.44 (2022-01-28) Add an underscore between bitfield name and bitfield bit-number for bitfield defines on bitfields with more than one bit for both C-header and assembler .inc files.
1.0.38 (2022-01-10) Initial release.
Version Description
1.0.10 (2025-02-12) Initial release.
Version Description
2.0.261 (2023-07-14) - Migrated CEC1702 headers to Microchip style.
1.8.258 (2023-01-23) - Changed interrupt name to MemoryManagement and added value-groups - Added bit [7] current status of VTR1 and bit [15] Current status of VTR2 in Pad Monitor Status Register at offset 0x248 in EC REG Bank Module
1.7.151 (2022-09-23) - Added memory management interrupt description.
1.6.149 (2022-09-19)
        - Added module parameters to support MPLAB Harmony.
        - Fixed bits for SPIMON1 in GIRQ24.
        - Updated device id for some parts.
1.5.142 (2022-04-18)
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
        - Added CEC1734_S0_2HW, CEC1734_S0_2ZW, CEC1736_S0_2HW, and CEC1736_S0_2ZW.
        - Removed CEC1734_S0_SX and CEC1736_S0_SX, use _2ZW devices instead.
        - Fixed core name in i79 files for IAR.
        - Changed WDT.STS register from read only to read-write.
1.4.114 (2021-09-13)
        - Added CEC1734 and CEC1736 parts.
        - DEVXML-3850 Added parameterized memory sizes to gcc linker scripts.
        - DEVXML-3625 Added _on_reset and _on_bootstrap hooks to gcc startup code.
1.3.106 (2021-04-09)
        - Added memory range for external flash.
        - Renamed GPIO.CTRL2 to GPIO.CTRL2B.
        - Fixed error in memory layout for CEC171x devices.
        - Updated ECIA module description.
        - Updated GPIO.CTRLn registers.
        - Removed _u32, _u16 and _u8 versions of registers. Use the main register without these suffixes.
        - Added CEC1712H_N2_SX.
1.2.87 (2020-05-04) Updated device id information for MPLAB X. Fix project configuration to include CMSIS Core.
1.1.80 (2020-02-12) Support CEC1712H devices. Added and updated support files for XC32, ARMCC, and IAR for CEC1702.
1.0.73 (2019-10-22) Updated size of EmulatorSector to contain all CoreSight modules.
1.0.64 (2019-06-20) Added isexecutable attribute.
1.0.56 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.182 (2025-02-19)
        - Added DEC1547H_D0_NB, DEC1547K_D1_SZ, DEC1551H_B0_NB, DEC1551K_B0_SZ, and DEC1557H_B0_NB.
        - Updated license of header files to Apache-2.0.
        - Fixed size of some peripheral blocks in the SVD files.
1.3.158 (2023-05-04)
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
        - Updated register descriptions for CMSIS compliance.
1.2.30 (2020-05-04) Updated device id information for MPLAB X. Fix project configuration to include CMSIS Core.
1.1.24 (2020-02-12) Updated device id information for MPLAB X.
1.0.17 (2019-10-25) Added I2C0, I2C1 and I2C2 instances of I2C.
1.0.12 (2019-07-11) Updated size of EmulatorSector to contain all CoreSight modules. Added XC32 content.
1.0.5 (2019-04-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.5.254 (2023-08-08)
        - Add definition of __EEDATA_BASE to linker scripts.
        - Corrected __YDATA_END.
        - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.4.104 (2021-01-20) Fixed issue where MPLAB X IDE and IPE fails to preserve EEPROM ranges.
1.3.82 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.2.53 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA.
1.1.32 (2019-10-14) Updated XC16 content.
1.0.16 (2019-04-16) Unit ID registers FUID0/FUID1/FUID2/FUID3 are defined with bit fields.
1.0.12 (2019-01-25) Initial release.
Version Description
1.1.109 (2025-02-12)
        - Added access to UDID sector.
        - Updated BMX, DMA, and CAN registers.
        - Updated interrupt descriptions.
        - Removed IMONEN from AMPxCON1.
        - Removed TECS from TxCON.
        - Updated CLKFAIL, SCSFAIL, and STOPGEN clock generators.
1.0.33 (2024-07-09) Initial release.
Version Description
1.2.127 (2023-08-03) - Updated DMAINTx mask values. - Added missing UxSTATH registers.
1.1.121 (2023-03-28) - Updated DEVID and REVID locations.
1.0.1 (2022-02-01) Initial release.
Version Description
1.2.151 (2024-01-17)
        - Added dsPIC33CDV128MP206 and dsPIC33CDV256MP206 devices.
        - Updated device id for dsPIC33CDV128MP506, dsPIC33CDV256MP506, dsPIC33CDVC128MP506, and dsPIC33CDVC256MP506.
        - Updated POR values for xCON registers.
1.1.125 (2023-08-03)
        - Corrected __YDATA_END.
        - Updated SFR blocks.
        - Added RPOUT_Peripheral defines to .inc files.
        - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.0.1 (2022-02-03) Initial release.
Version Description
1.15.378 (2023-10-12)
        - Corrected por and mclr bits to match datasheet.
        - Corrected processor id values.
        - Removed ADC CH17 from low pin devices.
        - Removed reserved register.
        - Corrected interrupt descriptions to match datasheet.
        - Added missing interrupt bits.
        - Corrected pins to match datasheet.
        - Added missing U1EIF bit to IFS3 register.
        - Removed support subdirectories not pertinent to devices.
1.14.357 (2023-08-10) - Added dsPIC33CH[512|1024]MP[3|4|6|7]0[5|6|8] and dsPIC33CH[512|1024]MP[4|7]1[0|2].
1.13.356 (2023-07-28) - Updated DMAINTx mask values.
1.12.352 (2023-05-11)
        - Added ISR handler for PORTC Change notification on dsPIC33CH[64|128]MP[2|5]503.
        - Changed names of bitfields in the .inc files to have suffix _OFFSET to avoid name collisions.
        - Fixed issue with aliased config bits.
1.11.240 (2022-04-07) Enabled dsPIC33CH256MP218 in the IPE.
1.10.223 (2021-11-03) Updated alias names for Main and Secondary core config bits for compatibility.
1.9.207 (2021-08-04) Update PRAM wipe routine for XC16.
1.8.196 (2021-05-10) Added dsPIC33CH256MP218.
1.7.194 (2021-04-21) Fixed missing deprecated symbols for secondary cores.
1.6.186 (2021-03-31) Added __SECONDARY_CODE_LENGTH symbol.
1.5.179 (2020-12-09) Added symbol reference to PRAM size.
1.4.161 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.3.125 (2020-04-29) Renamed bit MSTIRQ to MTSIRQ in MSInCON. Fixed access, por and mclr for bit 14 in DMAINTn.
1.2.112 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA. Removed DMACON.DMASIDL bit.
1.1.84 (2019-10-14) Excluded REFOTRIML and added REFOTRIMH where needed. Corrected PGxyPCIH.PCIGT to PGxyPCIH.LATMOD.
1.0.62 (2019-01-25) Initial release.
Version Description
1.8.299 (2024-11-20) - Added unmapped ADC registers.
1.7.244 (2023-07-28) - Updated DMAINTx mask values.
1.6.238 (2023-02-16) - Added debugging support for dsPIC33CK64MC105 Curiosity Nano
1.5.126 (2022-04-22) - Fixed base address of config bits. - Added ADCON2L.PTGEN.
1.4.92 (2021-06-30)
        - Added dsPIC33CK[128|256]MCx0x devices.
        - Added new WDT prescaler values for some parts.
        - Removed CMP2 and CMP3 interrupts.
        - Updated description of UART3 interrupts.
1.3.56 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.2.29 (2020-04-29) Fixed access, por and mclr for bit 14 in DMAINTn.
1.1.21 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA. Updated TPED information.
1.0.1 (2019-11-05) Initial release.
Version Description
1.15.423 (2025-02-10) - Corrected reset values for SENTxCON2/3 and DMAx registers. - Added MBISTDONE and FLTINJ bits to MBISTCON register for dsPIC33CK32/64MP10x.
1.14.409 (2024-11-20) - Added unmapped ADC registers.
1.13.366 (2023-10-12)
        - Corrected por and mclr bits to match datasheet.
        - Removed support sub directories not pertinent to the devices included in the pack.
        - Corrected spelling of CMP4IP bit.
        - Corrected DeviceID and RevID.
        - Added AN24-AN27.
1.12.354 (2023-07-28) - Updated DMAINTx mask values.
1.11.346 (2023-03-13) - Changed names of bitfields in the .inc files to have suffix _OFFSET to avoid name collisions.
1.10.341 (2022-12-12) - Updated attributes of ICDIF and ICDIE. - Updated procids for some parts.
1.9.228 (2022-08-31) - Fixed issue with aliased config bits.
1.8.224 (2022-04-05)
        - Added dsPIC33CK[256|512]MPT608 devices.
        - Removed JTAG Interrupts.
        - Fixed AI2C3 access and erase values.
        - Renamed SMB to SMB3.
        - Updated VREGCON and POR.
        - Updated interrupts and PPS.
1.7.208 (2022-01-24)
        - Added PWM instances to the MPLAB X I/O View.
        - Added SPIxIMSKL and SPIxIMSKH registers to SPI instances in the MPLAB X I/O View.
        - Added bit INTCON3.DEA and removed INTCON3.DMT bit.
        - Added macro guards to assembler inc files.
        - Added dsPIC33CK[256|512|1024]MP[4|7][05|06|08|10] devices.
1.6.176 (2021-04-28)
        - Added dsPIC33CK[256|512]MP[305|306|308|605|606|608].
        - Added ADMOD1H.SIGN24 and ADMOD1H.DIFF24 bits for some parts.
        - Added new WDT prescaler values for some parts.
        - Removed ADCAN19-ADCAN22 interrupts MP205/MP206 parts.
        - Removed PWMTRG1, PWMTRG2, and PWMTRG3 virtual pins.
1.5.135 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.4.102 (2020-04-29) Changed reset value of INTCON2.GIE to a 1. Fixed access, por and mclr for bit 14 in DMAINTn.
1.3.90 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA. Removed DMACON.DMASIDL bit. Removed some Watchdog Timer Clocks.
1.2.66 (2019-10-14) Updated device descriptors.
1.1.51 (2019-07-17) Excluded REFOTRIML and added REFOTRIMH where needed. Removed LCSIDL bit.
1.0.41 (2019-01-25) Initial release.
Version Description
1.6.297 (2024-09-25)
       - Removed DAC1MD bit in PMD3 for MU810 family.
       - Corrected spelling in CRC Interrupt description.
       - Removed PWMMD bits in PMD register for PIC24FJ256/512GU810/814.
       - Corrected SEVTCMP access bits in PWM module for MU810 family.
       - Corrected SEVTCMP, SSEVTCMP, LEBDLYx, PWMCAPx bits to match datasheet.
1.5.258 (2023-08-02)
       - Corrected __YDATA_END.
       - Supported all UART modules.
       - Added RPOUT_Peripheral defines to .inc.
1.4.139 (2022-01-09) - Use updated linker scipts in MPLAB XC16 Compiler v1.70. - Added macro guards to assembler inc files.
1.3.85 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.2.58 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA. Removed the remappable PORT pin for 8xx devices.
1.1.33 (2019-10-14) Added XC16 content.
1.0.23 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.5.302 (2024-09-25) In GS808 family, removed unused bits for PWCOLx RQCOLx and PPSTx.
1.4.262 (2023-08-08)
        - Corrected __YDATA_END.
        - Updated SFR blocks.
        - Added RPOUT_Peripheral defines to .inc files.
        - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.3.91 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications. Removed SCK3 pin.
1.2.60 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA.
1.1.41 (2019-10-14) GIE reset mask changed to 1 from 0. ReservedTrap5 replaced with DMACError under interrupts section. Added XC16 content.
1.0.31 (2019-07-11) GIE reset mask changed to 1 from 0. ReservedTrap5 replaced with DMACError under interrupts section. Released for MPLAB X 5.25.
1.0.24 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.252 (2023-06-05)
        - Fixed checksum algorithm for the IPE.
        - Fixed issue with aliased config bits.
        - Updated revid field.
        - Changed names of bitfields in the .inc files to have suffix _OFFSET to avoid name collisions.
1.3.77 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.2.50 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA. Changed addressing of configuration words.
1.1.26 (2019-10-14) Added XC16 content.
1.0.16 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.243 (2023-08-04)
        - Corrected __YDATA_END.
        - Updated SFR blocks.
        - Added RPOUT_Peripheral defines to .inc files.
        - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.3.79 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.2.51 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA.
1.1.28 (2019-10-14) Added XC16 content.
1.0.20 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.235 (2023-08-08)
        - Corrected __YDATA_END.
        - Updated SFR blocks.
        - Added RPOUT_Peripheral defines to .inc files.
        - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.3.64 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.2.35 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA.
1.1.15 (2019-10-14) Added XC16 content.
1.0.6 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.228 (2023-08-07)
        - Corrected __YDATA_END.
        - Updated SFR blocks.
        - Added RPOUT_Peripheral defines to .inc files.
        - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.3.63 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.2.36 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA.
1.1.16 (2019-10-14) Added XC16 content.
1.0.8 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.2.135 (2023-07-26) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
1.1.24 (2021-04-08)
        - Renamed EEC1105 parts, removed _UB1 suffix.
        - Fixed error in memory layout.
        - Updated ECIA module description.
        - Removed _u32, _u16 and _u8 versions of registers. Use the main register without these suffixes.
        - Updated GPIO.CTRLn registers.
        - Renamed GPIO.CTRL2 to GPIO.CTRL2P.
        - Added EEC1727_2GW.
1.0.12 (2020-05-04) Initial release.
Version Description
1.3.23 (2020-12-09) Updated SDM information for Simulator.
1.2.18 (2020-02-12) Updated MPLAB X tool information.
1.1.15 (2019-10-08) Added MPLAB X tool information.
1.0.11 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.3.20 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
1.2.12 (2022-01-10) Support for ITM trace with ICE4. Correction to package type from QFN to TQFP. Updated debug and prog scripts.
1.1.7 (2021-06-09) Fix issue when programming config bits.
1.0.5 (2021-06-02) Initial release.
Version Description
1.8.182 (2025-03-26)
        - Restored caspic.h with deprecated warnings.
        - Removed legacy header files and provided deprecated warnings.
        - Removed asxxxx.h files.
1.7.176 (2023-08-16) Removed headers that are part of the XC8 compiler.
1.6.174 (2023-03-22) Decouple library headers from pack.
1.5.67 (2021-12-10) Updated REAL ICE trace macros. Deprecate unused device revisions.
1.4.59 (2020-12-15) Updated SDM information for Simulator.
1.3.50 (2020-02-12) Fix configuration words to be 14 bits wide. Added XC8 support files.
1.2.36 (2019-10-29) Maintenance release.
1.1.26 (2019-07-11) Updated name of ANO pin to AN0 for MCP19120.
1.0.24 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.6.160 (2025-03-26)
        - Restored caspic.h with deprecated warnings.
        - Removed legacy header files and provided deprecated warnings.
        - Removed asxxxx.h files.
1.5.154 (2023-08-16) - Removed headers that are part of the XC8 compiler. - Updated fields in REFCON2 for MCV20USB.
1.4.152 (2023-03-22) - Added XC8 support and decouple library headers from pack.
1.3.43 (2020-12-15) Updated SDM information for Simulator.
1.2.33 (2020-02-12) Fix configuration words to be 14 bits wide. Added XC8 support files.
1.1.24 (2019-10-29) Removed rfPIC12F675H.
1.0.15 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.5.204 (2025-02-19) - Added MEC1551K_B0_SZ and MEC1547K_D0_SZ. - Included information about FPU core register in DFP.
1.4.85 (2021-11-26)
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
        - Added MEC1527H_B0_TF and MEC1521H_B0_2MW.
        - Fixed error in memory layout.
        - Fixed errors in ECIA peripheral.
        - Removed _u32, _u16 and _u8 versions of registers. Use the main register without these suffixes.
        - DEVXML-3850 Added parameterized memory sizes to gcc linker scripts.
        - DEVXML-3625 Added _on_reset and _on_bootstrap hooks to gcc startup code.
1.3.60 (2020-05-07) Added MEC152nH devices. Updated device id information for MPLAB X. Fix project configuration to include CMSIS Core.
1.2.42 (2020-02-12) Updated device id information for MPLAB X. Added SysTick interrupt for MEC1515.
1.1.38 (2019-10-25) Added I2C for MEC1501 and MEC1507 device variants. Updated XC32 content.
1.0.25 (2019-07-11) Updated size of EmulatorSector to contain all CoreSight modules. Added XC32 content.
1.0.17 (2019-04-24) Added isexecutable attribute. Added MEC1501 and MEC1503 devices.
1.0.10 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.5.226 (2025-02-20) - Add MEC1753Q_B0_LJ and MEC1753Q_B0_SZ.
1.4.221 (2023-07-14)
        - Add MEC1724N_B0_LJ, and MEC1724N_B0_SZ.
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
        - Update bitfield descriptions.
1.3.93 (2021-10-06)
        - Added MEC1727N_B0_SZ.
        - MEC1723N_P0_XX changed name to MEC1723N_P0_9Y.
        - Added EXTERNAL_FLASH description for MEC170x devices.
        - Renamed GPIO.CTRL2 to GPIO.CTRL2P
        - Fixed error in memory layout for MEC172x devices.
        - Removed EEPROM module from MEC172x devices.
        - Renamed PCR.CLK_LOWPLS to PCR.MINPRD.
        - Updated ECIA module description.
        - Fixed wrong offset of ESPI_MEMORY.BAR_LDI_ACPI_EC4_H0, and added ESPI_MEMORY.BAR_LDI_ACPI_EC4_H1.
        - Removed _u32, _u16 and _u8 versions of registers. Use the main register without these suffixes.
        - Updated GPIO.CTRLn registers.
        - Renamed SMB.I2C_SHDW to SMB.SHDW_DATA.
        - Fixed size of OTP.FINE_LCK registers.
        - DEVXML-3850 Added parameterized memory sizes to gcc linker scripts.
        - DEVXML-3625 Added _on_reset and _on_bootstrap hooks to gcc startup code.
1.2.46 (2020-04-28) Added MEC172x parts. Added MPLAB X support files. Fix project configuration to include CMSIS Core.
1.1.35 (2020-02-12) Introduce compact register description.
1.0.24 (2019-07-11) Updated size of EmulatorSector to contain all CoreSight modules. Added XC32 content.
1.0.16 (2019-04-16) Added isexecutable attribute.
1.0.14 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.61 (2020-08-03) Updated clause 2 of the license text in headers, linker scripts and .S files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.3.57 (2020-04-29) Updated XC32 startup code.
1.2.49 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 linker script to only link processor.o for version less than 2.10, newer versions will use a device specific .S file instead.
1.1.45 (2019-10-15) Added XC32 content.
1.0.33 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.0.10 (2019-01-25) Initial release.
Version Description
1.8.184 (2025-03-26)
        - Restored caspic.h with deprecated warnings.
        - Removed legacy header files and provided deprecated warnings.
        - Removed asxxxx.h files.
1.7.178 (2023-08-17) Removed header files that now exist in XC8.
1.6.174 (2023-04-21) Decouple library headers from pack.
1.5.61 (2021-12-06) Updated REAL ICE trace macros.
1.4.56 (2020-11-23) Fixed wrong states of isdebuggable on some parts where debug headers are needed.
1.3.46 (2020-04-29) Fixed configuration words.
1.2.44 (2020-02-12) Fixed configuration words to be 12 or 14 bits wide. Added XC8 support files.
1.1.32 (2019-10-29) Maintenance release.
1.0.22 (2019-04-16) Added haslvp2 attribute as needed.
1.0.18 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.7.175 (2025-03-26)
        - Restored caspic.h with deprecated warnings.
        - Removed legacy header files and provided deprecated warnings.
        - Removed asxxxx.h files.
1.6.168 (2023-08-17) Removed header files that now exist in XC8.
1.5.166 (2023-03-22) Decouple library headers from pack.
1.4.59 (2021-11-17) Updated REAL ICE trace macros.
1.3.51 (2020-10-08) Fixed issue with XC8 support files.
1.2.45 (2020-02-12) Fixed configuration words to be 12 or 14 bits wide. Added XC8 support files.
1.1.34 (2019-10-29) Maintenance release.
1.0.20 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.7.242 (2023-09-07) - Fixed PIC12/16(L)F150x missing OSC1 and OSC2 pins.
1.6.241 (2023-07-06)
        - Fixed PIC16F17xx access, mclr, and por bits.
        - Corrected PIC16F17xx and PIC16F15xx configuration descriptions to match with datasheets.
        - Fixed PIC16LF155x por bits.
        - Fixed PIC16F14xx access, por bits.
        - Fixed PIC16(L)F145x typo in configuration bits description.
        - Removed header files that now exist in XC8.
1.5.228 (2023-06-02)
        - Fixed access, mclr, and por bits.
        - Corrected name mismatch with datasheets.
        - Corrected PPS names.
        - Added missing FOSC description.
1.4.213 (2023-03-28) - Added Voltage Parameters on Curiosity Nano.
1.3.90 (2021-11-17) - Fixed issue with AC headers for some parts. - Updated REAL ICE trace macros.
1.2.63 (2020-02-12) Fix configuration words to be 14 bits wide. Added XC8 support files. Updated PKoB nano support files.
1.1.53 (2019-10-29) Adds PKoB nano support for PIC16F1768.
1.0.42 (2019-07-12) Added XC8 content. Updated tool scripts.
1.0.36 (2019-05-03) Added FreezeBit info.
1.0.28 (2019-01-26) Initial release.
Version Description
1.26.410 (2025-01-22)
        - Removed RDHOLD bit from CLBCON for PIC16F131xx.
        - Corrected SSP1CLKPPS and SSPDATPPS reset values for PIC16F15243/44.
        - Added  PIC16F17524, PIC16F17525, PIC16F17526, PIC16F17544, PIC16F17545, PIC16F17546, 
          PIC16F17554, PIC16F17555, PIC16F17556, PIC16F17574, PIC16F17575, and PIC16F17576.
1.25.389 (2024-01-25) - Removed CLBSWOUT registers in PIC16F131xx devices.
1.24.387 (2024-01-11) - Added PIC16F18013, PIC16F18014, PIC16F18023, PIC16F18024. - Included the SP bit in CM@CON0 for the 16F131xx, 16F171xx, 16F180xx, and 16F181xx families.
1.23.382 (2023-11-28)
        - Added PKOB nano device support scripts for PIC16F13145.
        - Added PIC16F13113, PIC16F13114, PIC16F13123, PIC16F13124, PIC16F13143, and PIC16F13144.
        - Corrected the CLCSELECT bit length.
1.22.376 (2023-10-19) - Added PIC16F13115, PIC16F13125, and PIC16F13145.
1.21.368 (2023-09-14) - Fixed high voltage on PIC16F17146, PIC16F17126, and PIC16F15243. - Fixed missing ANSELH register on PIC16F19195 and PIC16F19196.
1.20.366 (2023-08-22)
        - Fixed type of SPBRG.
        - Fixed Checksum value for CONFIG2.
        - Fixed width of timer registers.
        - Fixed missing WDTWV bit in PCON0.
1.19.363 (2023-06-21)
        - Fixed PIC16(L)F183xx PPS default values to match datasheet.
        - Fixed missing T0OUTPSx bits.
        - Fixed PIC16F131xx access values for BAUDCON.
        - Fixed PIC16F180xx/181xx/171xx access values for CPCON.
        - Removed header files that now exist in XC8.
1.18.352 (2023-03-22)
      - Added PIC16F17154, PIC16F17155, PIC16F17156, PIC16F17174, PIC16F17175, PIC16F17176, PIC16F18154, PIC16F18155, PIC16F18156, PIC16F18174, PIC16F87175, and PIC16F87176.
      - Fixed access and POR values.
      - Corrected default PPS values.
      - Added N1CKS3 bit in NCO1CLK register.
1.17.343 (2023-02-13)
      - Added support for reading DIA and DCI on Curiosity Nano.
      - Added read support for Hardware Stack on Curiosity Nano.
      - Added Voltage Parameters on Curiosity Nano.
1.16.323 (2022-12-19)
      - DTD-2629 Added erase sizes.
      - MCU8DI-910 Fixed order of SCANADR[L|H].
      - UDBC-2178 Fixed DEVID for PIC16F18146.
      - UDBC-2198 Fixed bit access of WCOL and SSPOV in SPIxCON1.
      - UDBC-2226 Fixed access of RCxREG.
      - UDBC-2245 Fixed access of CRCSHIFT.
      - UDBC-2247 Fixed SCANCON.
      - UDBC-2265 Fixed SHIFTM in CRCCON0.
      - UDBC-2293 Fixed sizes in BBSIZE in CONFIG4.
1.15.191 (2022-07-19) - UDBC-2171 Removed checksum for PIC16F152xx parts. - UDBC-2169 Removed 'Reserved' fields from CONFIG1.
1.14.187 (2022-06-02) - DSG-3382 Added nEDBG device support scripts for PIC16F18076. - UDBC-2158 Corrected User ID size for 188xx and 191xx families.
1.13.178 (2022-02-17) - Added PIC16F18056, and PIC16F18076.
1.12.177 (2022-02-16) - Added PIC16F18026, and PIC16F18046.
1.11.176 (2022-02-09) - Added PIC16F18025, PIC16F18025, PIC16F18044, and PIC16F18045.
1.10.174 (2022-01-19)
        - Added PIC16F18075, PIC16F18054, PIC16F18055, and PIC16F18074.
        - Added PIC16F1[7|8]1[14|15|24|25|44|45] parts.
        - Added PIC16F17126, PIC16F17146, PIC16F18126, and PIC16F18146.
        - Removed bit 3 of of the CS field in TxCLKCON.
1.9.163 (2021-12-02) - Updated REAL ICE trace macros.
1.8.149 (2021-06-01) Added PORTH to views in MPLAB X for applicable devices. Added PIC16F15254 and PIC16F15255.
1.7.146 (2021-04-13) Added PKOB nano device support scripts for PIC16F15276. Updated end address of DataSpace for PIC16F152xx.
1.6.143 (2021-02-10) Added PIC16F15256, PIC16F1527[4|5|6] parts. Fixed detecting of Timer 0 on parts with TMR0L and TMR0H registers.
1.5.133 (2020-09-15) Added debug scripts for PIC16F15244. Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.4.119 (2020-04-30) Added PIC16F152nn devices.
1.3.117 (2020-02-12) Updated access mask of CRCCON1. Removed PWM output enable bit on PIC16(L)F188xx devices. Fixed configuration words to be 14 bits wide. Added XC8 support files.
1.2.99 (2019-10-29) Updated device descriptor files.
1.1.82 (2019-07-11) Updated tool scripts for PIC16LF18456, PIC16F18456, PIC16F18446 and PIC16F15376. Added XC8 content.
1.0.71 (2019-05-03) Added CalDataZone for PIC16F/LF188x5 devices.
1.0.62 (2019-02-07) Initial release.
Version Description
1.7.162 (2025-03-26)
        - Restored caspic.h with deprecated warnings.
        - Removed legacy header files and provided deprecated warnings.
        - Removed asxxxx.h files.
1.6.156 (2023-10-12) Added low voltage programming flag.
1.5.151 (2023-08-17) Removed header files that now exist in XC8.
1.4.149 (2023-03-22) Decouple library headers from pack.
1.3.42 (2021-11-17) Updated REAL ICE trace macros.
1.2.33 (2020-02-12) Fixed configuration words to be 14 bits wide. Added XC8 support files.
1.1.23 (2019-10-29) Maintenance release.
1.0.9 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.6.169 (2025-03-24)
        - Removed Legacy peripheral library.
        - Added configuration and ID registers to device specific header files.
        - Added memory region descriptions and boundary data to INI files.
1.5.163 (2023-08-17) Removed header files that now exist in XC8.
1.4.161 (2023-03-23)
        - Decoupled library headers from device-support packs.
        - Updated errata.h.
        - Corrected User ID size.
1.3.50 (2021-11-17) Updated REAL ICE trace macros.
1.2.39 (2020-02-12) Added XC8 support files.
1.1.31 (2019-10-29) Maintenance release.
1.0.20 (2019-04-17) Maintenance release.
1.0.19 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.9.170 (2025-03-24)
        - Removed Legacy peripheral library.
        - Added configuration and ID registers to device specific header files.
        - Added memory region descriptions and boundary data to INI files.
1.8.164 (2024-02-22) Fixed T3CON bit T3RD16 alias for PIC18FxxJ94 and PIC18FxxJ99 devices.
1.7.159 (2023-08-17) Removed header files that now exist in XC8.
1.6.157 (2023-03-23) - Decoupled library headers from device-support packs. - Updated errata.h. - Corrected User ID size.
1.5.44 (2021-11-17) Updated REAL ICE trace macros.
1.4.41 (2020-11-23) Fixed issue with AC headers for some parts.
1.3.35 (2020-04-29) Updated OSCTUNE register to include both individual TUNx bits and a grouped TUNx bitfield.
1.2.31 (2020-02-12) Added XC8 support files.
1.1.24 (2019-10-29) Maintenance release.
1.0.10 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.15.303 (2025-03-24)
        - Removed Legacy peripheral library.
        - Added configuration and ID registers to device specific header files.
        - Added memory region descriptions and boundary data to INI files.
1.14.301 (2024-12-13)
        - Changed haslvp2 flag to true for PIC18 devices with PGM pin.
        - Corrected Pin List description for 18F25K83.
        - Corrected LVP threshold voltage from 3.0 to 2.7 to match documentation for 18F45K80 family.
1.13.292 (2023-10-12) - Removed incorrect aliases for certain DCR fields for certain devices.
1.12.287 (2023-09-11)
        - Fixed VREGPM bit size of VREGCON register.
        - Fixed type and width of SPBRG register.
        - Fixed EBTRx bit names to match datasheet.
        - Fixed RTCCFG access values.
1.11.281 (2023-07-21) - Updated TMRx bits to match datasheet.
1.10.277 (2023-06-14)
        - Fixed PIC18FxxK22 access and POR values.
        - Fixed PIC18FxxK83 ADCON0 bits to match datasheet.
        - Fixed PIC18FxxK40 PPS names and values to match datasheet.
        - Fixed PIC18FxxK90 access and POR values.
        - Fixed PIC18FxxK50 SSPxSTAT access values.
        - Removed header files that now exist in XC8.
1.9.255 (2023-03-22) - Fixed access and POR values.
1.8.249 (2023-02-09)
        - Added support for reading DIA and DCI on Curiosity Nano.
        - Added read support for Hardware Stack on Curiosity Nano.
        - Added support for Set PC on Curiosity Nano.
        - Added Voltage Parameters on Curiosity Nano.
1.7.134 (2022-04-06) - Corrected row size for PIC18F67K22 device.
1.6.125 (2021-11-17) - Updated descriptions of the WRTB and WRTC config bits for PIC18F-K42 and PIC18F-K83 parts. - Updated REAL ICE trace macros.
1.5.114 (2021-05-05) Fixed simulator issue with UART TX/RX interrupts. Set IVTAD to read-only. Removed HT entries. Updating DMAxDSAL register.
1.4.87 (2020-05-06) Corrected row size for PIC18F67K22 device.
1.3.84 (2020-02-12) Added XC8 support files. Corrected CRCCON1 access value for PIC18FxxK40/42 devices.
1.2.72 (2019-10-29) Maintenance release.
1.1.58 (2019-07-11) Updated tool scripts for PIC18F47K40 and PIC18F47K42. Added XC8 content.
1.0.53 (2019-05-03) Maintenance release.
1.0.48 (2019-02-14) Initial release.
Version Description
1.28.451 (2025-03-24) - Corrected irq values for Interrupts for PIC18FxxQ40/41.
1.27.449 (2025-02-04)
        - Updated programming and debugging support scripts for PIC18F57Q43.
        - Corrected APMSTATUS access bits for PIC18FxxQ71 devices.
        - Corrected remappable pin definitions for SRPORT for PIC18F56Q71.
        - Added missing WPU, I2CxBAUD and I2CxBTOC registers for I/O View for PIC18F57Q84.
1.26.442 (2024-11-25) - Added programming and debugging support scripts.
1.25.433 (2024-02-23) - Added PIC18F04Q20, PIC18F05Q20, PIC18F14Q20, and PIC18F15Q20. - Added BERRDET bit to I3CxCON1 register for I3C module for PIC18F06Q20 and PIC18F16Q20.
1.24.430 (2023-12-18)
        - Fixed mismatch in PPS setting name for SRPORT in PIC18F-Q24 devices.
        - Corrected CLCSELECT register SLCT bits.
        - Added missing freeze peripheral information for PIC18F24Q10 and PIC18F25Q10.
        - Updated PIC18F-Q24 devices to match datasheet.
        - Corrected SAF enable message when SAF is disabled.
1.23.425 (2023-10-17)
        - Added support for PIC18F56Q24 Curiosity Nano.
        - Added support for PIC18F16Q20 Curiosity Nano.
        - Fixed SRPORT names in PIC18FxxQ24.
1.22.413 (2023-09-18)
        - Fixed device ID for PIC18F24Q24.
        - Fixed RC5 and RC6 pin names for PIC18FxxQ24 devices.
        - Enabled high voltage programming on PIC18FxxQ24 devices.
1.21.411 (2023-08-17)
        - Updated CnTXQCONL register on PIC18FxxQ24 devices.
        - Added more field definitions for BBSIZE.
        - Renamed config bit value SAFSZ_NONE to SAFSZ_DIS to match datasheet.
        - Updated VDDIOnCON register to match datasheet.
        - Updated all PORT F pins to be selectable in ADC module by adding CGF3-CGF7 to ADCG1F.
        - Fixed type and width of SPBRG register.
1.20.405 (2023-07-18)
        - Fixed PIC18FxxQ24 ADC mask values.
        - Updated TMRx bits to match datasheet.
        - Fixed some PIC18FxxQ24 CONFIG bit descriptions to match datasheet.
        - Fixed BOREN settings for PIC18FxxQ24.
        - Fixed DMA values to match datasheet for PIC18FxxQ24.
        - Fixed CLCnSELX values for PIC18FxxQ24.
        - Fixed I2CxBTOC mask values for PIC18FxxQ24.
        - Fixed MVIO interrupt numbers to match datasheet for PIC18FxxQ24.
1.19.401 (2023-06-21)
        - Added 18F24Q24, 18F25Q24, 18F26Q24, 18F45Q24, 18F46Q24,
           18F55Q24, and 18F56Q24.
        - Added missing AVSS pin for PIC18F4xQxx.
        - Added T0OUPTSx bits for PIC18FxxQ43.
        - Fixed STKPTR length for PIC18FxxQ84
        - Fixed PIC18FxxQ84 access and POR values.
        - Updated PIC18FxxQ20 I2C registers.
        - Removed header files that now exist in XC8.
1.18.389 (2023-05-24)
        - Corrected POR Value for APMCLKPPS for PIC18FxxQ71.
        - Updates to match datasheets for PIC18FxxQ20/71.
        - Corrected FSRx size for PIC18FxxQ43.
        - Corrected Factory Default bits for PIC18FxxQ83/84.
1.17.379 (2023-03-23)
        - Added 18F06Q20 and 18F16Q20.
        - Added 18F44Q71, 18F45Q71, 18F54Q71, and 18F55Q71.
        - Corrected access bits for the BAUDCON register.
        - Corrected CP config bit value for PIC18F24/25Q71 devices.
        - Corrected size of IS bit in the CSGxISM register.
1.16.368 (2023-02-09)
        - Added PIC18F24Q71 and PIC18F25Q71.
        - MPLABX-7387 Fixed missing registers displayed in IO view.
        - Added support for reading DIA and DCI on Curiosity Nano.
        - Added read support for Hardware Stack on Curiosity Nano.
        - Added support for Set PC on Curiosity Nano.
        - Added Voltage Parameters on Curiosity Nano.
1.15.360 (2022-12-30) - UDBC-2041 Fixed write access to TMR0IF and TMR0 interrupt to work with Simulator. - XC8-3072 Fixed programming of configuration registers for PIC18R26Q71 and PIC18F56Q084.
1.14.237 (2022-06-17)
        - Added PIC18F[2|4|5]6Q71 devices.
        - DSG-4574 added device revision readout for Curiosity Nanos.
        - Updated builk erase VDD from 1.8V to 2.1V for some parts.
        - Fixed row erase sizes.
        - Updated access masks for interrupt registers.
1.13.211 (2021-12-08)
        - Updated REAL ICE trace macros.
        - Updated the range of the UserID memory.
        - Updated CWG bitnames.
        - Added access to GPR9.
        - Updated POR and MCLR state of CLKRCON and WDTTMR.
1.12.193 (2021-06-04) - Added UART3, UART4, UART5, SPI1, SPI2, SPI3, SP4, SPI5, WGM2, and WGM3 to views in MPLAB X for applicable devices. - Fixed PPS ports for PIC18F45Q10, PIC18F46Q10, and PIC18F47Q10.
1.11.185 (2021-02-10) Added PIC18F-6Q83 and PIC18F-6Q84 devices.
1.10.183 (2021-01-22) Fixed EEPROM address range for PIC18F-Q40 and PIC18F-Q41 devices. Removed HT entries from CCPxCON and ADCON.
1.9.175 (2020-11-19) Enable high voltage programming for PIC18F-Q40 and PIC18F-Q41 devices. Rename DMAnDSAL bits from SSA to DSA.
1.8.154 (2020-08-20) Add PKoB Nano debug scripts for PIC18F16Q40 and PIC18F16Q41. Update GPR.
1.7.135 (2020-06-02) Updated device ID for PIC18F57Q84 and PIC18Fx6Q83/84. Add debug scripts for PIC18F57Q84.
1.6.129 (2020-05-07) Corrected ADCSELx register bits to match the datasheet.
1.5.124 (2020-04-29) Added Q40 and Q41 devices. For Q83 and Q84, fixed size of User ID, fixed size of CLKRCLK.CLK, DACCON.DACNSS, removed reserved bits from CONFIG1, renamed interrupt for universal timer, fixed DAC negative reference mask.
1.4.109 (2020-02-12) Added PIC18F-7Q8n devices. Added XC8 support files. Corrected CRCCON1 access value.
1.3.89 (2019-10-29) Updated device descriptors for PIC18F-Q43 devices. Updated XC8 content.
1.2.59 (2019-07-11) Added PIC18F-Q43 devices. Updated tool scripts for PIC18F47Q10. Updated freeze info for PIC18F26Q10, PIC18F27Q10, PIC18F46Q10 and PIC18F47Q10. Added XC8 content.
1.0.47 (2019-05-03) Lowered lvpthresh value.
1.0.40 (2019-02-14) Initial release.
Version Description
1.7.171 (2025-01-17) - Changed haslvp2 flag to true for PIC18 devices with PGM pin.
1.6.159 (2023-10-17) Changed warnings 1604 and 1605 into advisory messages.
1.5.156 (2023-08-18) - Removed header files that now exist in XC8. - Updated SCS bits in the OSCON register.
1.4.151 (2023-03-23) - Decoupled library headers from device-support packs. - Updated errata.h. - Corrected User ID size.
1.3.36 (2021-11-17) Updated REAL ICE trace macros.
1.2.26 (2020-02-12) Added XC8 support files.
1.1.19 (2019-10-29) Updates for MPLAB X 5.30.
1.0.9 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.231 (2023-08-07)
        - Updated SFR blocks.
        - Added RPOUT_Peripheral defines to .inc files.
        - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.3.63 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.2.36 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA.
1.1.14 (2019-10-02) Added XC16 content.
1.0.7 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.10.375 (2024-09-27) Fixed PMD Register data to match datasheet for PIC24FJ1024GB610 family.
1.9.336 (2023-07-26)
        - Added support for UDID.
        - Fixed some PPS names for PIC24F-GA/GB4xx devices.
        - Update SFR blocks.
        - Added RPOUT_Peripheral defines to .inc files.
        - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.8.217 (2022-08-31) - Fixed issue with aliased config bits.
1.7.214 (2022-04-22) - Fixed DSG-4728: PC truncation to 16-bit when debugging with PKOB nano - Updated GPRDataSector and DataSpace sizes
1.6.205 (2022-02-16)
        - Updated bits in the PMD5 register
        - Updated default value of CONFIG2
        - Updated range for data space to include EDS
        - Added missing ranges for data space
        - Added macro include guards to assembler include files
        - Added aliasing support for config bit values
1.5.181 (2021-06-22) Fixed programming issue for PIC24FJ[64|128]GA20[2|4] parts due to default value of CONFIG2. Fixed RB12 pin description for PIC24FJxxxGA202.
1.4.141 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.3.109 (2020-04-29) Added INTREG for GA002 and GA004 devices.
1.2.101 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA.
1.1.74 (2019-10-08) Added XC16 content.
1.0.67 (2019-07-11) PLL96DIV5 config option(Oscillator input is divided by 5) description is updated. Updated tool script for PIC24FJ128GA705.
1.0.41 (2019-02-05) Initial release.
Version Description
1.6.274 (2024-09-25) Added remappable pin section.
1.5.236 (2023-08-07)
        - Updated SFR blocks.
        - Added RPOUT_Peripheral defines to .inc files.
        - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.4.69 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.3.46 (2020-04-29) Renamed S0Cx to S9Cx bits to S00Cx to S09Cx in the LCDDATAx register.
1.2.40 (2020-03-02) Maintenance release.
1.2.36 (2020-02-10) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA.
1.1.16 (2019-10-02) Added XC16 content.
1.0.8 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.6.243 (2023-08-07)
        - Updated SFR blocks.
        - Added RPOUT_Peripheral defines to .inc files.
        - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.5.121 (2021-12-16) Added IPC28.U6TXIP priority flag.
1.4.74 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.3.38 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA.
1.2.16 (2019-10-02) Updated device descriptor for LCD module. Updated OSCIOFCN configuration bit for PIC24F-GL-GU-4xx devices.
1.1.7 (2019-07-11) Added PIC24F-GL-GU-4xx devices.
1.0.1 (2019-04-11) Initial Release.
Version Description
1.1.227 (2023-07-27)
        - Added support for UDID.
        - Correct EDS information.
        - Update SFR blocks.
        - Added RPOUT_Peripheral defines to .inc files.
        - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.0.59 (2020-09-29) Initial release.
Version Description
1.5.253 (2023-08-07) - Updated SFR blocks. - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.4.83 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.3.49 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA.
1.2.26 (2019-10-02) Added XC16 content.
1.1.18 (2019-07-11) Removed LCSIDL bit.
1.0.12 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.233 (2023-08-07)
        - Updated SFR blocks.
        - Added RPOUT_Peripheral defines to .inc files.
        - Added bit-field offsets greater than 1 bit wide for peripherals in .inc files.
1.3.67 (2020-09-15) Updated clause 2 of the license text in compiler files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.2.37 (2020-02-12) Updated XC16 linker script for BFA.
1.1.16 (2019-10-02) Added XC16 content.
1.0.7 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.1.148 (2024-09-18) - Defined STIR register (DEVXML-5630) - Updated header file license to Apache 2.0
1.0.131 (2023-05-02) Initial release.
Version Description
1.3.168 (2024-04-23) - Added missing FUSE bitfield for EBI security attribute (MH3-91330)
1.2.161 (2023-11-28)
        - Defined STIR register
        - Updated FUCFG11 and FUCFG12 registers bitfield for PIC32CK_SG FUSES
        - Updated header file license  to Apache 2.0
1.1.156 (2023-08-02) - Updated linkerscripts VECTOR_REGION to boot_rom. - Fixed interrupt naming for reserved vectors.
1.0.141 (2023-04-05) Initial release.
Version Description
1.0.27 (2025-02-25) - Initial release.
Version Description
1.1.14 (2025-03-13) - DEVXML-6622 Add "userid" define in PIC file.
1.0.7 (2025-01-22) - Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.224 (2025-02-26) - MH3-110435 Fixed number of port groups for PIC32CM1216JH01048.
1.3.221 (2025-01-17) Added PIC32CM[3204|6408]JH000[32|48|64] devices.
1.2.208 (2023-08-30)
        - Added PIC32CM1216JH01032 and PIC32CM1216JH01048.
        - Fixed endianness described in the SVD files.
        - Updated calculated size of peripheral address blocks in SVD files for some modules.
        - Updated MPLAB X programming and debug scripts.
1.1.203 (2023-05-25) - Fixed enumeration of PERIPHERAL_FUNCTION_K in device description xml.
1.0.88 (2022-05-20) - Initial release.
Version Description
1.3.280 (2024-04-15) - Updated calculated size of peripheral address blocks in SVD files for some modules.
1.2.273 (2023-05-23) - Added support for PIC32CM1216LE00032 and PIC32CM1216LE00048
1.1.162 (2022-06-03) - Improved memory area naming.
1.0.154 (2022-03-24) - Initial release.
Version Description
1.3.278 (2023-08-23) - Updated calculated size of peripheral address blocks in SVD files for some modules.
1.2.274 (2023-05-23) - Added support for PIC32CM1216LS00032 and PIC32CM1216LS00048
1.1.162 (2022-06-03) - Removed PIC32CM LS60 256K flash devices. - Improved memory area naming.
1.0.154 (2022-03-24) - Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.67 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
1.3.58 (2021-09-15) Hold in reset supported for J32 probes. Included fuse description (component\fuses.h). Support for board file.
1.2.52 (2021-02-08) Added security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers.
1.1.47 (2020-11-06) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Split content in per device trees. Add compatibility.h.
1.0.36 (2020-08-29) Added read device ID. Initial release.
Version Description
1.0.31 (2025-02-25) - Initial release.
Version Description
1.3.216 (2025-03-06)
        - Supported: PIC32CX5109BZ361032, PIC32CX5109BZ361048, PIC32WM_BZ3601, PIC32WM_BZ3602, PIC32CX5109BZ31032_SL3, PIC32CX5109BZ31048_SL3, PIC32CX5109BZ36032_SL3, PIC32CX5109BZ36048_SL3, PIC32WM_BZ3601_SL3, PIC32WM_BZ3602_SL3, WBZ350_SL3, WBZ351_SL3.
        - OPT Memory property modified to RW.
        - Enabled SecureBoot efuse register.
1.2.183 (2024-05-21) TCC peripheral register corrections
1.1.171 (2023-11-09) - Updated MPLAB X UI.
1.0.161 (2023-08-21)
        - Initial release.
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
Version Description
1.2.17 (2025-02-06)
        - Changed bitfield names of CFGPCLKGEN1-4.
        - Modified register name from DAC_CODE to DACCODE.
        - Correded the DAC_CTRL id.
        - Removed WBZ653.
1.1.14 (2025-01-21)
        - Added PIC32WM_BZ6204.
        - Updated CNCON bits in GPIO.
        - Updated PAC, QEI, FUSE, CFG, and SERCOM.
1.0.2 (2024-10-09) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.243 (2024-02-20) - Added WBZ451H.
1.3.238 (2023-12-04)
          - Fixed comparator index for AC on WBZ450.
          - Changed license of header files to Apache-2.0.
          - Fixed endian and peripheral sizes in the SVD files.
          - Added interrupt captions in the SVD files.
1.2.230 (2023-06-01) - Fixed PCSCMODE from 1 to 0. - Added CMP_CHID_PRESENT parameter, and INTSEL and OUT AC register bits to fix AC PLIB.
1.1.218 (2023-01-23) - Fixed issue with programming in MPLAB X 6.05.
1.0.107 (2022-04-22)
        - Initial release.
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
Version Description
1.3.132 (2023-12-19) Changed license of header files to Apache-2.0.
1.2.128 (2023-09-05) - Added System Control Block registers information. - Added core module defines.
1.1.115 (2023-01-26) Corrected TC source clock.
1.0.6 (2022-10-21) Initial release.
Version Description
1.5.140 (2024-09-16) - Added PIC32CX1025SG41080.
1.4.137 (2024-08-09) - Removed TEMP_LOG, and DAC_RESRDY interrupts from PIC32CX1025SG41064.
1.3.134 (2024-02-05) - Released PIC32CX1025SG41064.
1.2.128 (2023-10-05)
        - Changed license of header files to Apache-2.0.
        - Fixed endian and peripheral sizes in the SVD files.
        - Added interrupt captions in the SVD files.
1.1.122 (2023-03-30) - Peripherals bitfields improvement for PDEC, SDHC, NVMCTRL. - PERIPHERALS segment removal (correction).
1.0.17 (2022-11-29)
        - Initial release.
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
Version Description
1.2.129 (2023-10-05)
        - Changed license of header files to Apache-2.0.
        - Fixed endian and peripheral sizes in the SVD files.
        - Added interrupt captions in the SVD files.
1.1.122 (2023-03-30) - Peripherals bitfields improvement for PDEC, SDHC, NVMCTRL. - PERIPHERALS segment removal (correction).
1.0.17 (2022-11-30)
        - Initial release
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
Version Description
1.2.124 (2023-10-05)
        - Changed license of header files to Apache-2.0.
        - Fixed endian and peripheral sizes in the SVD files.
        - Added interrupt captions in the SVD files.
1.1.122 (2023-03-30) - Peripherals bitfields improvement for PDEC, SDHC, NVMCTRL. - PERIPHERALS segment removal (correction).
1.0.17 (2022-11-29)
        - Initial release.
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
Version Description
1.5.176 (2023-10-06) - Changed license of header files to Apache-2.0.
1.4.173 (2023-07-11)
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
        - Added trace option for Simulator.
1.3.39 (2020-05-04) Updated device id information for MPLAB X. Fix project configuration to include CMSIS Core.
1.2.30 (2020-02-12) Updated device id information for MPLAB X.
1.1.20 (2019-10-25) Added XC32 content. Added external flash to device descriptor.
1.0.1 (2019-04-24) Initial release. Added isexecutable attribute. Superseedes PIC32CX_DFP version 1.0.9.
Version Description
1.1.27 (2025-03-10)
        - Updated device variants and package codes.
        - Made address space changes.
        - Fixed 64 pin AFEC peripheral pinout discrepancy.
        - Made pinout name changes.
        - Changed license of header files to apache2.
1.0.10 (2024-06-18) Initial release.
Version Description
1.6.163 (2025-02-18) Fixed missing startup code for armcc, gcc, iar and xc32.
1.5.161 (2025-01-29)
        - Updated ADC instance names and parameter descriptions to match datasheet.
        - Updated device variants and package codes.
        - Added PC17, PC18, PC19, and PC20 for use as GPIO and for other functionality.
1.4.158 (2024-08-01) - Fixed PIN PADs to always be 2 digits long.
1.3.156 (2024-07-09) - Changed license of header files to Apache-2.0. - Added BGA208 package support.
1.2.150 (2023-05-23) - Fixed missing TCC_ prefix in the value groups.
1.1.123 (2023-03-20)
        - Updated SVD files to contain version 1.3 information.
        - Added bitfields to AC.WINCTRL.
        - Updated USB PHY registers.
        - Added temperature calibration fuse values.
        - Updated value-groups for TCC.
1.0.17 (2022-09-09)
        - Initial release.
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
Version Description
1.7.168 (2025-02-18) Fixed missing startup code for armcc, gcc, iar and xc32.
1.6.166 (2025-01-29)
        - Improved EDBG scripts to support delta programming.
        - Updated ADC instance names and parameter descriptions to match datasheet.
        - Added CAN and SERCOM1 signal group pads defined.
1.5.162 (2024-08-01) - Fixed PIN PADs to always be 2 digits long.
1.4.160 (2024-07-09) - Changed license of header files to Apache-2.0. - Added BGA208 package support.
1.3.152 (2023-05-25)
        - Marked interrupt flags in the USB module as read-destructive for debuggers.
        - Corrected bitfield definitions for AC, ADC, TCC, and USB.
        - Updated bit description in RPMU.
        - Removed PLLnLOCKF bits from INTENCLR, INTENSET, and INTFLAG registers.
1.2.143 (2023-04-05)
        - Initial release.
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
Version Description
1.4.23 (2025-02-18) Fixed missing startup code for armcc, gcc, iar and xc32.
1.3.21 (2025-01-29)
        - Updated ADC instance names and parameter descriptions to match datasheet.
        - Updated device variants and package codes.
        - Added PC17, PC18, PC19, and PC20 for use as GPIO and for other functionality.
1.2.18 (2024-08-01) - Fixed PIN PADs to always be 2 digits long.
1.1.16 (2024-07-03) - Added BGA208 package support. - Updated header file license to Apache 2.0.
1.0.11 (2023-08-22) - Initial release.
Version Description
1.1.26 (2025-03-10)
        - Updated device variants and package codes.
        - Made address space changes.
        - Fixed 64 pin AFEC peripheral pinout discrepancy.
        - Made pinout name changes.
        - Changed license of header files to apache2.
        - Removed MLB instance.
        - Added PIOC instance.
1.0.7 (2024-06-18) Initial release.
Version Description
1.8.253 (2024-11-19) - Added missing CAN bus 3 and CAN bus 4 filters.
1.7.251 (2024-01-30)
        - Fixed issue where persistent data is cleared on startup in XC32 4.30 or later.
        - Enhanced config pragma to optionally handle the word name in addition to the bitfield name.
        - Disambiguated config bits up to the register group level.
1.6.144 (2021-09-01) Correction to peripherals xml description enables watching them in I/O view.
1.5.130 (2021-01-26) Updated deep sleep module.
1.4.117 (2020-08-19) Updated clause 2 of the license text in headers, linker scripts and .S files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications. Split RCON module. Updated CLC input names. Updated Revision ID.
1.3.90 (2020-02-12) Updated device id information for MPLAB X.
1.2.80 (2019-10-15) Updated size of code sector. Removed EECALDATA config bits. Renamed CLPWR bit to OPLPWR, and added HYSPOL bit to CMnCON.
1.1.54 (2019-07-11) Added PIC32MK-GPG and PIC32MK-GPH devices. Updated name of ANO pin to AN0 for PIC32MK0512GPK064, PIC32MK0512GPL064, PIC32MK1024GPK064, and PIC32MK1024GPL064.
1.0.37 (2019-04-16) Fixed GPIO port definitions, POSCGain and POSCFGain bit field definition, Excluded Interrupt Offset registers OFF126-129, OFF139-147, OFF151-153 on 64 pin variants.
1.0.21 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.11.151 (2022-07-12) Added missing IPC61 declarations.
1.10.146 (2022-02-17) - Added PIC32MK0128MCA0[28|32|48] parts.
1.9.143 (2021-09-01) Correction to peripherals xml description enables watching them in I/O view.
1.8.132 (2021-03-04) Added interrupt offset registers OFF238-OFF243 for PIC32MK-MCM devices. Added trigger sources AN20-AN23 for PIC32MK-MCM100 devices. Added PWM channel 10-12 for 64 pin MCM parts for MPLAB Harmony.
1.7.128 (2021-02-24) Added PWM channel 10-12 for 64 pin MCM parts.
1.6.125 (2021-01-26) Updated deep sleep module.
1.5.115 (2020-08-19) Updated clause 2 of the license text in headers, linker scripts and .S files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications. Split RCON module. Updated CLC input names.
1.4.94 (2020-04-29) Updated XC32 startup code.
1.3.91 (2020-02-12) Updated device id information for MPLAB X.
1.2.80 (2019-10-15) Removed PWM1nIF from IFSn. Updated VirtualPin description. Added HYSPOL bit to CMnCON. Removed PWMCON10.
1.1.53 (2019-07-11) Added PIC32MK-MCJ devices. Updated name of ANO pin to AN0 for PIC32MK0512MCF064, PIC32MK0512MCM064, PIC32MK1024MCF064, and PIC32MK1024MCM064.
1.0.38 (2019-04-16) Fixed GPIO port definitions, POSCGain and POSCFGain bit field definition, Excluded Interrupt Offset registers OFF126-129, OFF139-147, OFF151-153 on 64 pin variants.
1.0.22 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.168 (2024-01-30)
        - Fixed issue where persistent data is cleared on startup in XC32 4.30 or later.
        - Enhanced config pragma to optionally handle the word name in addition to the bitfield name.
        - Disambiguated config bits up to the register group level.
1.3.57 (2021-08-27) Updated clause 2 of the license text in headers, linker scripts and .S files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.2.33 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 linker script to only link processor.o for version less than 2.10, newer versions will use a device specific .S file instead.
1.1.27 (2019-10-15) Added XC32 content.
1.0.14 (2019-04-16) Added RevId B3.
1.0.11 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.156 (2024-01-31)
        - Fixed issue where persistent data is cleared on startup in XC32 4.30 or later.
        - Enhanced config pragma to optionally handle the word name in addition to the bitfield name.
        - Disambiguated config bits up to the register group level.
1.3.50 (2021-08-27) Updated clause 2 of the license text in headers, linker scripts and .S files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.2.31 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 linker script to only link processor.o for version less than 2.10, newer versions will use a device specific .S file instead.
1.1.26 (2019-10-15) Added XC32 content.
1.0.14 (2019-04-16) Corrected access mask for IPC4.
1.0.10 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.6.369 (2024-01-26)
        - Fixed issue where persistent data is cleared on startup in XC32 4.30 or later.
        - Enhanced config pragma to optionally handle the word name in addition to the bitfield name.
        - Disambiguated config bits up to the register group level.
1.5.259 (2021-01-26) Add support files for PIC32MX3xx|PIC32MX4xx parts for MPLAB Harmony v3. Fixed issue with inverted DEVCFG0.DEBUG bit value.
1.4.243 (2020-08-04) Updated clause 2 of the license text in headers, linker scripts and .S files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.3.231 (2020-04-28) Added row erase sizes.
1.2.228 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 linker script to only link processor.o for version less than 2.10, newer versions will use a device specific .S file instead.
1.1.215 (2019-10-15) Added XC32 support files.
1.0.28 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.5.231 (2023-07-10) Fixed wrong mapping of peripheral registers, causing I/O views in MPLAB to be empty.
1.4.118 (2021-01-26) Updated deep sleep module.
1.3.112 (2020-08-03) Updated clause 2 of the license text in headers, linker scripts and .S files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications. Split RCON module. Updated Revision ID.
1.2.102 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 linker script to only link processor.o for version less than 2.10, newer versions will use a device specific .S file instead.
1.1.98 (2019-10-15) Added IPC33.DMA1IS and IPC33.DMA1IP.
1.0.69 (2019-07-11) Added XC32 support files. Removed xDEVCFG3.EXTDDRSIZE.
1.0.42 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.150 (2024-01-31)
        - Fixed issue where persistent data is cleared on startup in XC32 4.30 or later.
        - Enhanced config pragma to optionally handle the word name in addition to the bitfield name.
        - Disambiguated config bits up to the register group level.
1.3.44 (2020-08-03) Updated clause 2 of the license text in headers, linker scripts and .S files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications.
1.2.40 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 linker script to only link processor.o for version less than 2.10, newer versions will use a device specific .S file instead.
1.1.35 (2019-10-15) Added XC32 support files.
1.0.21 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.168 (2023-08-16) Added word prefixed aliases to configuration bits.
1.3.58 (2020-08-03) Updated clause 2 of the license text in headers, linker scripts and .S files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications. Split RCON module.
1.2.51 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 linker script to only link processor.o for version less than 2.10, newer versions will use a device specific .S file instead.
1.1.45 (2019-10-15) Added XC32 support files.
1.0.20 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.10.334 (2024-07-04) Added WFI32E02.
1.9.330 (2023-12-15) Added WFI32E03.
1.8.326 (2023-08-07) Added PIC32MZ2051W104132.
1.7.323 (2023-07-12) Fixed Release Note for 1.6.220.
1.6.220 (2022-04-06) Fixed SPLLCON register values.
1.5.203 (2021-09-06) Added WFI32E01.
1.4.193 (2021-02-02) Updated deep sleep module.
1.3.177 (2020-08-03) Added CVDCON.CVDIEN and OFF168.VOFF bit fields. Updated clause 2 of the license text in headers, linker scripts and .S files to no require publication of copyright notice in embedded applications. Split RCON module.
1.2.153 (2020-02-12) Update interrupts, ADC and CAN information. Updated XC32 linker script to only link processor.o for version less than 2.10, newer versions will use a device specific .S file instead.
1.1.116 (2019-10-15) Added freeze info. Updated name of NVMDATAn.NVMDATAn. Added bits to CLKSTAT. Removed TnCON.T32 and INTCON.VS.
1.0.79 (2019-04-16) Added crypto revision register, fixed PTG base address naming.
1.0.37 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.3.38 (2021-01-07) (Deprecated 2021-01-01) Deprecated.
1.2.31 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 linker script to only link processor.o for version less than 2.10, newer versions will use a device specific .S file instead.
1.1.27 (2019-10-15) Updated XC32 content.
1.0.16 (2019-04-16) Fixed PTG base address naming.
1.0.12 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.12.231 (2025-02-26) Add SAM9X60D1G_SOM
1.11.227 (2025-01-23) MPLABX-8660 Correction to Device Revision ID description.
1.10.224 (2024-11-28) Added support for TFBGA256 package type.
1.9.218 (2024-06-10) Issued fixes in reset handling with JLink debugger.
1.8.216 (2024-03-22)
        - Support for MPLAB ICD 4, ICE 4 and PICkit 4 In-Circuit Debuggers with updated Tool Packs. 
        - IAR Embedded Workbench DDF and config files updated.
        - SVD files added.
        - Add new property "Program Options" => "Delay to recover after reset".
1.7.85 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
1.6.61 (2021-08-17) Support for board file and use of SAM-BA applets.
1.5.50 (2021-01-26) Added instance headers. Adding FIFO size information for FLEXCOM peripherals.
1.4.45 (2020-09-30) Added read device ID. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Added peripherals memory segment to atdf. Rename some macro definition in SAM9x60.h
1.3.36 (2020-05-24) Maintenance release, fix script requirement on MPLAB X 5.40. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
1.2.31 (2020-04-28) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
1.1.28 (2020-02-12) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Updated XC32 content.
1.0.19 (2019-10-02) Initial release.
Version Description
1.9.170 (2025-02-21) - MPLABX-8786 Fixed MPLAB SNAP debugger probe support. - DEVXML-5926 Fixed linker script issue.
1.8.166 (2025-01-23) MPLABX-8660 Correction to Device Revision ID description.
1.7.164 (2024-12-03) - MPLABX-8609 Fixed hang when reaching while(true) routine in some cases.
1.6.161 (2024-10-01)
        - Variant SAM9X70-V/6GW with package TFBGA256 supported.
        - Instance Parameter definitions for MIPIPHY peripheral.
        - Instance Parameter definitions for LVDSPHY peripheral.
1.5.158 (2024-09-17) - Updated programming and debugging scripts for MPLAB PICkit 4 and 5, ICD 4 and 5.
1.4.151 (2024-07-12) - Added SAM9X75D1GN2, SAM9X75D2GN4, and SAM9X75D5MN0.
1.3.149 (2024-06-18) - MPLABX-8317: Fixed viewing the I/O mapping details while debugging - DEVXML-5819: Give the board more time to recover after reset.
1.2.128 (2023-10-13) - Fixed a communication timeout occurring during programming or debugging.
1.1.120 (2023-02-02)
        - Fixed missing register description.
        - Removed SWD as a selectable interface (not supported).
        - IAR Embedded Workbench DDF and config files updated
        - SVD files added.
        - Deprecated SAM9X75D1M
1.0.1 (2022-07-06) Initial version
Version Description
1.12.233 (2025-02-25) - MPLABX-8786 Fixed MPLAB SNAP debugger probe support. - DEVXML-5926 Fixed linker script issue.
1.11.228 (2024-07-23) - Added ATSAMA5D27SOM1, and ATSAMA5D27WLSOM1. - Changed license of header files to Apache-2.0.
1.10.213 (2023-08-29)
        - Added ATSAMA5D29TA100.
        - Fixed bitfield aliasing in the SDMCC module.
        - Fixed warning M328 and error M211 in the SVD files relating to derived peripherals.
        - Added captions for interrupts in the SVD files.
        - Updated calculated size of peripheral address blocks in SVD files for some modules.
        - Updated debug scripts for MPLAB X.
1.9.106 (2022-10-12)
        - IAR Embedded Workbench DDF and config files updated.
        - SVD files added.
        - Rename module instance SMC to HSMC to match name in datasheet
1.8.97 (2022-07-20) - Added ATSAMA5D29. - Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
1.7.91 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
1.6.69 (2021-08-16) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts with support for board files with SAM-BA. Set correct max/min voltage for variants. Fix interrupt related data structure in header file.
1.5.53 (2021-01-26) Added read device ID. Removed from DFP. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Updated PIO header file. Update xc.h header file. Added instance headers.
1.4.39 (2020-05-24) Maintenance release, fix script requirement on MPLAB X 5.40. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
1.3.33 (2020-04-28) Added new SiP devices. Fixed wrong instantiation of TC1 interrupt. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
1.2.20 (2020-02-12) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Updated XC32 content. Updated PIO module.
1.1.11 (2019-10-24) Updated GCC and IAR fault handler and startup implementations. Updated programming and debugging scripts.
1.0.1 (2019-07-02) Initial release.
Version Description
1.4.54 (2025-02-26) - Fixed build issues with XC32.
1.3.52 (2025-02-21) - Updated to aligning with Datasheet - Fixed connections with MPLAB SNAP Debug Probe
1.2.47 (2024-10-11) - Added SAMA7D65D1GN2 and SAMA7D65D2GN8.
1.1.44 (2024-09-17) Updated programming and debugging scripts for MPLAB PICkit 4 and 5, ICD 4 and 5, and JLink.
1.0.30 (2024-06-11) Initial release.
Version Description
1.8.235 (2025-02-21) - MPLABX-8786 Fixed MPLAB SNAP debugger probe support. - Improved alignment of definitions with datasheet.
1.7.232 (2025-02-04) - Include more package types in device XML description. - Improved caption text in device XML.
1.6.223 (2024-10-28) - Added SAMA7G54D1GN0 and SAMA7G54D1GN2.
1.5.222 (2024-10-07) - Added SAMA7G54D4G.
1.4.218 (2024-07-23)
        - Added SAMA7G54D2GN4.
        - Updated scripts for Microchip debuggers and Segger debuggers support.
        - Fixed PICkit 5 endpoint error when using SAMA7G54 EK (PK5-60).
1.3.189 (2024-01-23)
        - Changed license of header files to Apache-2.0.
        - Fixed peripheral sizes in the SVD files.
        - Fixed issue where MPLAB XC32 selected the wrong instruction set.
1.2.178 (2023-05-25) - Renamed the MIPICSI2PHY module to CSI. - Fixed pinouts for SiP packages.
1.1.173 (2023-02-02)
		    - Added SAMA7G54D1G, SAMA7G54D2G, and SAMA7G54D4G.
		    - SVD files added.
		    - IAR Embedded Workbench DDF and config files added.
1.0.56 (2022-05-17)
        - Added read device ID.
        - Initial release.
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
Version Description
3.5.93 (2022-03-17)
        - Hold in reset supported for J32 probes.
        - Included fuse description (component\fuses.h).
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
3.4.76 (2021-02-03) Added read device ID and security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers. Added multiplex value groups for PMUXE and PMUXO.
3.3.56 (2020-05-05) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.2.50 (2020-02-12) Updated XOSC32K startup time value-group for OSC32KCTRL module. Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.1.38 (2019-10-07) Updated captions and registers in CCL, and IDLE field in PM.SLEEPCFG. Added XC32 content.
3.0.21 (2019-04-11) Removed legacy headers.
2.0.5 (2019-02-08) Fix SVD. Added python programming and debugging scripts for MPLAB X. Succeeds Atmel.SAMC20_DFP 1.1.130.
Version Description
3.8.119 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
3.7.108 (2021-12-08)
        - Updated bit mask for NVMCTRL CTRLB.CACHEDIS.
        - Added 64MHz qualified variant order codes.
        - Updated MPLAB X debug scripts
3.6.101 (2021-09-08) Hold in reset supported for J32 probes. Included fuse description (component\fuses.h).
3.5.95 (2021-02-03) Added read device ID and security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers. Added multiplex value groups for PMUXE and PMUXO.
3.4.78 (2020-05-24) Maintenance release, fix script requirement on MPLAB X 5.40. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.3.72 (2020-05-05) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.2.66 (2020-02-12) Updated XOSC32K startup time value-group for OSC32KCTRL module. Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.1.49 (2019-10-07) Updated captions and registers in CCL, and IDLE field in PM.SLEEPCFG. Added XC32 content.
3.0.22 (2019-04-11) Removed legacy headers.
2.0.5 (2019-02-08) Fix SVD. Added python programming and debugging scripts for MPLAB X. Succeeds Atmel.SAMC21_DFP 1.1.144.
Version Description
2.5.147 (2022-03-17)
        - Hold in reset supported for J32 probes.
        - Included fuse description (component\fuses.h).
        - Support for board file.
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
2.4.129 (2021-02-08) Added read device ID and security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers.
2.3.113 (2020-04-28) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
2.2.110 (2020-02-12) Updated XOSC32K startup time value-group for OSC32KCTRL module. Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
2.1.100 (2019-10-08) Added XC32 content. Updated fuse enums. Update description of SERCOM and SYSCTRL. Updated programming and debugging scripts.
2.0.10 (2019-04-11) Succeeds Atmel.SAMD09_DFP 1.1.76. Added programming/debugging support in MPLAB X.
Version Description
2.7.81 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
2.6.70 (2021-09-08) Hold in reset supported for J32 probes. Included fuse description (component\fuses.h). Support for board file.
2.5.64 (2021-02-03) Added read device ID and security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers.
2.4.49 (2020-05-24) Maintenance release, fix script requirement on MPLAB X 5.40. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
2.3.45 (2020-04-28) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
2.2.40 (2020-02-12) Updated XOSC32K startup time value-group for OSC32KCTRL module. Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
2.1.25 (2019-10-07) Added XC32 content. Updated fuse enums. Update description of SERCOM, RTC, and SYSCTRL. Updated programming and debugging scripts.
2.0.10 (2019-04-11) Misc fixes. Succeeds Atmel.SAMD10_DFP 1.1.77. Added programming/debugging support in MPLAB X.
Version Description
2.6.76 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
2.5.61 (2021-09-08) Hold in reset supported for J32 probes. Included fuse description (component\fuses.h). Support for board file.
2.4.56 (2021-02-03) Added read device ID and security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers.
2.3.40 (2020-04-28) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
2.2.35 (2020-02-12) Updated XOSC32K startup time value-group for OSC32KCTRL module. Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
2.1.23 (2019-10-07) Added XC32 content. Updated fuse enums. Update description of SERCOM, RTC, and SYSCTRL. Updated programming and debugging scripts.
2.0.10 (2019-04-11) Removed warnings for some component headers. Succeeds Atmel.SAMD11_DFP 1.1.81. Added programming/debugging support in MPLAB X.
Version Description
3.6.112 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
3.5.96 (2021-09-08) Hold in reset supported for J32 probes. Included fuse description (component\fuses.h). Support for board file.
3.4.68 (2021-02-03) Added read device ID and security bit access for MPLAB X. Added instance headers.
3.3.56 (2020-04-29) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.2.49 (2020-02-12) Support for ATSAMD20E15BU and ATSAMD20E16BU. Updated XOSC32K startup time value-group for OSC32KCTRL module. Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.1.32 (2019-10-07) Use generated startup and system code for ARMCC and IAR. Added XC32 content. Renamed SVCall_Handler to SVC_Handler. Updated programming and debugging scripts.
3.0.19 (2019-04-04) Removed legacy headers.
2.0.4 (2019-02-08) Misc fixes. Succeeds Atmel.SAMD20_DFP 1.3.124.
Version Description
3.6.144 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
3.5.132 (2021-09-08) Hold in reset supported for J32 probes. Included fuse description (component\fuses.h). Support for board file.
3.4.116 (2021-02-03) Added read device ID and programming of security bit for MPLAB. Added instance headers.
3.3.98 (2020-05-05) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.2.90 (2020-02-12) Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.1.71 (2019-10-26) Added XC32 content. Fixed AUX3 missing from ATDF for some SAMD21 variants. Renamed SVCall_Handler to SVC_Handler. Updated programming and debugging scripts.
3.0.23 (2019-04-17) Removed legacy headers.
2.0.4 (2019-02-08) Added python programming and debugging scripts for MPLAB X. Succeeds Atmel.SAMD21_DFP 1.3.331.
Version Description
3.8.246 (2024-04-18) CMCC_Configure() function added to startup code.
3.7.237 (2023-04-18)
		- Fixed DSU_DID__FAMILY naming
		- Fixed SISR registers initial value
		- Defined APSR register
		- Updated debugger scripts for EDBG, Atmel-ICE and JLink support
3.6.120 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
3.5.95 (2021-04-26) Hold in reset supported for JLink. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.4.91 (2021-02-08) Added instance headers. Added support for security bit in MPLAB X. Added multiplex value groups for PMUXE and PMUXO.
3.3.76 (2020-10-09) Added read device ID. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Fix the program/debug error when chip is secured.
3.2.55 (2020-02-12) Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.1.41 (2019-10-03) Updated captions and registers in CCL. Added XC32 content. Updated programming and debugging scripts.
3.0.29 (2019-04-09) Fixed bug EDBG/Atmel-ICE programming >8kB flash. Removed legacy headers.
2.0.15 (2019-02-12) Fix: Modes in SVD, Value-group for USER_FUSES, define in GCLK. Succeeds Atmel.SAMD51_DFP 1.1.96. Added python programming and debugging scripts for MPLAB X.
Version Description
2.7.82 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
2.6.73 (2021-09-08) Hold in reset supported for J32 probes. Included fuse description (component\fuses.h). Support for board file.
2.5.68 (2021-02-03) Added security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers.
2.4.65 (2020-10-12) Added read device ID. Fix program/debug error when chip is secured.
2.3.56 (2020-05-05) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
2.2.52 (2020-02-12) Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
2.1.35 (2019-10-25) Update IAR configuration and flash loader. Updated TC generator names. Updated programming and debugging scripts. Added XC32 content.
2.0.14 (2019-04-22) Succeeds Atmel.SAMDA1_DFP 1.2.50. Added programming/debugging support in MPLAB X.
Version Description
3.8.253 (2024-04-18) CMCC_Configure() function added to startup code.
3.7.242 (2023-04-18)
	    - Fixed DSU_DID__FAMILY naming
	    - Fixed SISR registers initial value
	    - Defined APSR register
	    - Updated debugger scripts for EDBG, Atmel-ICE and JLink support
3.6.130 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
3.5.104 (2021-04-26) Hold in reset supported for JLink. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Fuse description included.
3.4.98 (2021-02-08) Added security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers. Removed I2S description. Removed DMAOS from TC CTRLB command enumeration. Removed OSCULP32K.CALIB. Adding PMUXE and PMUXO value groups.
3.3.85 (2020-10-09) Added read device ID. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Fix the program/debug error when chip is secured.
3.2.67 (2020-02-12) Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.1.55 (2019-10-07) Updated captions and registers in CCL. Added XC32 content. Updated programming and debugging scripts.
3.0.35 (2019-04-09) Fixed bug EDBG/Atmel-ICE programming >8kB flash. Removed legacy headers.
2.0.13 (2019-02-12) Fix: Modes in SVD, Value-group for USER_FUSES, define in GCLK. Succeeds Atmel.SAME51_DFP 1.0.85. Added python programming and debugging scripts for MPLAB X.
Version Description
3.8.235 (2024-04-18) CMCC_Configure() function added to startup code.
3.7.228 (2023-04-17)
		- Fixed DSU_DID__FAMILY naming
		- Fixed SISR registers initial value
		- Defined APSR register
		- Updated debugger scripts for EDBG, Atmel-ICE and JLink support
3.6.115 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
3.5.87 (2021-04-26) Hold in reset supported for JLink. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Fuse description included.
3.4.79 (2021-02-08) Added security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers. Removed OSCULP32K.CALIB. Removed DMAOS from TC CTRLB command enumeration. Added PMUXE and PMUXO value groups. Added RXLPISBC bit to GMAC registers.
3.3.66 (2020-10-09) Added read device ID. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Fix program/debug error when chip is secured.
3.2.49 (2020-02-12) Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.1.38 (2019-10-07) Updated captions and registers in CCL. Added XC32 content. Updated programming and debugging scripts.
3.0.25 (2019-04-10) Fixed bug EDBG/Atmel-ICE programming >8kB flash. Removed legacy headers.
2.0.11 (2019-02-12) Fix: Modes in SVD, Value-group for USER_FUSES, define in GCLK. Succeeds Atmel.SAME53_DFP 1.0.75. Added python programming and debugging scripts for MPLAB X.
Version Description
3.9.244 (2024-04-18) CMCC_Configure() function added to startup code.
3.8.234 (2023-04-18)
		- Fixed DSU_DID__FAMILY naming
		- Fixed SISR registers initial value
		- Defined APSR register
		- Updated debugger scripts for EDBG, Atmel-ICE and JLink support
3.7.122 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
3.6.95 (2021-04-26) Hold in reset supported for JLink. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Fuse description included.
3.5.87 (2021-02-03) Added security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers. Removed OSCULP32K.CALIB. Removed DMAOS from TC CTRLB command enumeration. Added PMUXE and PMUXO value groups. Added RXLPISBC bit to GMAC registers.
3.4.76 (2020-10-09) Added read device ID. Updated the way of writing Memories. Fix the issue of program/debug error when chip is secured.
3.3.64 (2020-04-28) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.2.56 (2020-02-12) Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.1.43 (2019-10-07) Updated captions and registers in CCL. Added XC32 content. Updated programming and debugging scripts.
3.0.27 (2019-04-10) Fixed bug EDBG/Atmel-ICE programming >8kB flash. Removed legacy headers.
2.0.12 (2019-02-12) Fix: Modes in SVD, Value-group for USER_FUSES, define in GCLK. Added python programming and debugging scripts for MPLAB X. Succeeds Atmel.SAME54_DFP 1.0.87.
Version Description
4.11.257 (2024-04-18) Programming performance improvement to EDBG tools.
4.10.248 (2023-03-27)
        - Updated MPLAB XC32 content to correctly describe #pragma config. Requires MPLAB XC32 >= 4.10.
        - Fixed path issue with debugvars for µVision.
        - Fixed size of ITCM segment.
        - Added CoreSight debug register view.
        - Updated SVD file to emit information introduced in SVD version 1.3.
4.9.129 (2022-05-18) Removed SDRAM references due to errata 2.14
4.8.125 (2022-04-07) Added configuration data required for XC32.
4.7.120 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
4.6.98 (2021-06-30) Deprecated revision A devices. Fixed MPLABX debug scripts. Updated startup code. Updated header files. Updated XC32 content.
4.5.86 (2021-01-27) Added security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers. Fix DMA trigger information for DACn.
4.4.78 (2020-09-24) Added read device ID. Fixed reading/writing configbits issues.
4.3.67 (2020-04-29) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Removed SDA13 pin description from B devices. Added CCW and CCF interrupts to A devices. Setup prerequisite for MPLAB v5.40 or newer
4.2.59 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
4.1.50 (2019-10-03) Improvements to the flash programming algorithm. Rename SVCall_Handler to SVC_Handler. Update modes for USART.
4.0.40 (2019-06-26) Improvements to the flash programming algorithm: Improve programming speed. Resolve a possible flash programming issue.
4.0.29 (2019-05-04) Removed legacy headers.
3.0.10 (2019-02-14) Corrections to XML and header-files. Core modules descriptions in ATDF and SVD changed for rev. B devices. Core IRQ and interrupt handler names changed to alligne with CMSIS names. Old names mapped as aliases to new names. Several errors in SVD files corrected. Missing TC1 and TC2 to instance definitions added to header files. TC, USART and USBHS module changed (for revB devices) to reflect the modes according to the datasheet. Added ARMCC support files. Added Keil support files. Added python programming and debugging scripts for MPLAB X. Succeeds Atmel.SAME70_DFP 2.3.98.
Version Description
3.9.204 (2024-04-18)
        - CMCC_Configure() function added to startup code.
        - Fixed startup_xxxx.c for ARM GCC and IAR compilers.
        - Fixed duplicate value group definitions.
3.8.197 (2023-05-31) - Updated MPLAB XC32 content to correctly describe #pragma config. Requires MPLAB XC32 >= 4.10. - Updated debug and programming py scripts.
3.7.83 (2022-04-11) Added XT32KFME and XT32KERR bitfields for PMC registers.
3.6.78 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
3.5.65 (2021-09-08)
        - DEVXML-3924 Added PDC registers for right channel to the I2SC module.
        - DEVXML-3850 Added parameterized memory sizes to gcc linker scripts.
        - DEVXML-3625 Added _on_reset and _on_bootstrap hooks to gcc startup code.
        - DEVXML-3466 Added header macros for FUSES.
        MPLABX debug scripts update.
3.4.57 (2021-01-26) Fix issues with reset peripherals by RSTC. MPLABX debug scripts update. Added instance headers. Change prefixing of registers in SVD file.
3.3.42 (2020-04-29) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Setup prerequisite for MPLAB v5.40 or newer
3.2.38 (2020-02-12) Updated USART module description for both USART and SPI modes. Updated timer TC and SUPC modules. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.1.27 (2019-10-07) Fix TC0 and TC1 handlers for CH0, CH1 and CH2. Use generated startup and system code for ARMCC. Added XC32 content.
3.0.9 (2019-04-04) Succeeds Atmel.SAMG_DFP 2.1.97. Added programming/debugging support in MPLAB X. Legacy headers removed.
Version Description
2.2.63 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
2.1.52 (2021-06-25) Added ATSAMHA0G17AB. Added read device ID. Fix program/debug error when chip is secured.
2.0.26 (2020-05-05) Initial release.
Version Description
2.4.81 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
2.3.72 (2021-09-08) Hold in reset supported for J32 probes.
2.2.68 (2021-06-11) Added ATSAMHA1G17AB.
2.1.64 (2021-02-03) Added read device ID. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Fix program/debug error when chip is secured.
2.0.42 (2020-02-12) Succeeds Atmel.SAMHA1_DFP 1.1.55. Legacy headers replaced with MCC headers. Added programming/debugging support in MPLAB X.
Version Description
3.10.228 (2023-05-23)
          - Fixed OPAMP PLIB register configuration code.
          - Set DSU_DID__FAMILY to Ultra Low Power.
          - Updated debug and programming scripts.
3.9.116 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
3.8.105 (2021-08-16) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Added RXN and DXN bits to USER_WORD_1.
3.7.101 (2021-04-28) Added fuses header file. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.6.95 (2021-01-28) Added User ID write and security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers. Updated default value of USER_WORD_0. Added value groups for PMUXE and PMUXO. Removed TRAM.PERMSW and TRAM.PERMR registers.
3.5.87 (2020-10-09) Re-release 3.4 to fix version history.
3.4.85 (2020-10-05) Added missing Keil info.
3.3.84 (2020-08-29) Added read device ID.
3.2.68 (2020-04-28) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.1.62 (2020-02-12) Updated XOSC32K startup time value-group for OSC32KCTRL module. Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.0.38 (2019-10-08) Updated captions and registers in CCL, EIC, GCLK, OPAMP, OSC32KCTRL, OSCCTRL, RTC, SERCOM and SUPC. Added XC32 content. Updated programming and debugging scripts.
2.0.24 (2019-04-29) Fixes. Succeeds Atmel.SAML10_DFP 1.0.142.
Version Description
4.5.268 (2023-05-23)
        - Fixed OPAMP PLIB register configuration code.
        - Set DSU_DID__FAMILY to Ultra Low Power.
        - Updated debug and programming scripts.
4.4.149 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
4.3.139 (2021-08-02) Added fuses header file. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Added RXN and DXN bits to USER_WORD_1.
4.2.130 (2021-01-28) Added User ID write and security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers. Updated default value of USER_WORD_0. Added value groups for PMUXE and PMUXO. Removed TRAM.PERMSW and TRAM.PERMR registers.
4.1.119 (2020-10-20) Re-release 4.1 to fix version history.
4.1.118 (2020-10-08) Fix the issue of program/debug error when chip is secured.
4.0.115 (2020-08-29) Added read device ID. Updated XC32 linker-script TrustZone macro names to BOOTPROT_SIZE, AS_SIZE, RS_SIZE, ANSC_SIZE, and DS_SIZE.
3.2.86 (2020-04-28) Update MSP, PSP, PRIMASK and CONTROL registers for Secure mode for MPLAB X. Updated μVision support files. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.1.75 (2020-02-12) Updated XOSC32K startup time value-group for OSC32KCTRL module. Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.0.48 (2019-10-08) Updated captions and registers in CCL, EIC, GCLK, OPAMP, OSC32KCTRL, OSCCTRL, RTC, SERCOM and SUPC. Added XC32 content. Updated programming and debugging scripts.
2.0.33 (2019-04-29) Fixes. Succeeds Atmel.SAML11_DFP 1.0.91.
Version Description
3.7.217 (2023-05-23) - Fixed issue in description xml of DSU and USB with name and value being the same. - Updated debug and programming scripts
3.6.105 (2022-03-17)
        - Hold in reset supported for J32 probes.
        - Included fuse description (component\fuses.h).
        - Support for board file.
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
3.5.87 (2021-02-03) Added IAR support files. Added instance headers. Added support for programming security bit in MPLAB X. Added value groups for PMUXE and PMUXO for SAML21-B devices.
3.4.82 (2020-08-29) Added read device ID.
3.3.68 (2020-05-05) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.2.62 (2020-03-02) Maintenance release. No functional changes.
3.2.61 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 content. For revision B devices, changed enum names for OSC32KCTRL_XOSC32K__STARTUP and added SERCOM_USART_CTRLA__SAMPA enumeration.
3.1.43 (2019-10-07) Updated captions and registers in CCL and OPAMP. Use generated startup and system code for ARMCC and IAR. Added XC32 content.
3.0.26 (2019-04-17) Added programming/debugging support in MPLAB X. Removed legacy headers
2.0.2 (2019-01-24) Succeeds Atmel.SAML21_DFP 1.2.125.
Version Description
3.7.83 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
3.6.74 (2021-09-08) Hold in reset supported for J32 probes. Included fuse description (component\fuses.h). Support for board file.
3.5.68 (2021-02-03) Added instance headers. Added support for programming security bit for MPLAB X. Added value groups for PMUXE and PMUXO.
3.4.61 (2020-08-29) Added read device ID.
3.3.47 (2020-05-05) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.2.43 (2020-02-12) Updated XOSC32K startup time value-group for OSC32KCTRL module. Added value-groups for SERCOM module. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
3.1.30 (2019-10-07) Updated captions and registers in CCL. Added XC32 content. Renamed SVCALL_Handler to SVC_Handler.
3.0.20 (2019-04-17) Added programming/debugging support in MPLAB X. Removed legacy headers
2.0.3 (2019-02-08) Succeeds Atmel.SAML22_DFP 1.2.77.
Version Description
2.1.155 (2024-05-07)
        - ICD5 and PICkit5 support.
        - Updated header file license text to Apache 2.0.
        - Improved defines with type casting.
        - Updated programming and debugging scripts.
2.0.46 (2021-09-30)
        - Added read device ID.
        - Succeeds Atmel.SAMR21_DFP 1.1.72.
        - Legacy headers replaced with MCC headers.
        - Added programming/debugging support in MPLAB X.
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
Version Description
2.0.47 (2021-09-30) Added read device ID. Added module RFCTRL. Succeeds Atmel.SAMR30_DFP 1.1.35. Legacy headers replaced with MCC headers. Added programming/debugging support in MPLAB X.
Version Description
2.1.61 (2021-05-12) Added read device ID. Added XC32 content. Updated programming scripts. Renamed SVCall_Handler to SVC_Handler.
2.0.18 Succeeds Atmel.SAMR34_DFP 1.0.11. Legacy headers replaced with MCC headers. Added programming/debugging support in MPLAB X.
Version Description
2.1.63 (2021-05-12) Added read device ID. Added XC32 content. Updated programming scripts. Renamed SVCall_Handler to SVC_Handler.
2.0.19 Succeeds Atmel.SAMR35_DFP 1.0.10. Legacy headers replaced with MCC headers. Added programming/debugging support in MPLAB X.
Version Description
1.2.156 (2023-05-26)
          - Defined RAM descriptor in device xml
          - Defined ITM support in device xml
          - Updated debug and programming scripts
1.1.43 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
1.0.28 (2021-05-19) Initial release.
Version Description
2.6.253 (2023-06-08) - Defined and enabled ITM support in device xml - Updated debug and programming scripts
2.5.142 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
2.4.127 (2021-09-01) Fixed J-Link connecton issue.
2.3.124 (2021-07-02) Adjusted PIO value group names. Updated startup source code. Updated header files. Added instance headers. Updated MPLABX debug scripts. Updated XC32 content.
2.2.112 (2021-01-26) Added instance headers. Added FIFO information to FLEXCOM instances. Replaced WDT1 with RSWDT.
2.1.105 (2020-09-24) Added read device ID. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Fixed reading/writing configbits. Fixed extra prefix 'b' in comments of header files. Setup prerequisite for MPLAB v5.45 or newer.
2.0.89 (2020-04-28) Removed revision B device. Updated XC32 startup code. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
1.2.79 (2020-02-18) Updated data file for revision B device. Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
1.1.67 (2020-01-20) Added revision C device.
1.0.42 (2019-10-18) Initial release
Version Description
4.10.214 (2023-05-23)
        - Updated MPLAB XC32 content to correctly describe #pragma config. Requires MPLAB XC32 >= 4.10.
        - AFEC temperature sensor configuration.
        - Updated debug and programming scripts.
4.9.103 (2022-05-18) Removed SDRAM references due to errata 2.14
4.8.100 (2022-04-05) Added configuration data required for XC32.
4.7.98 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
4.6.82 (2021-06-30) Deprecated revision A devices. Fixed MPLABX debug scripts. Updated startup code. Updated header files. Updated XC32 content.
4.5.74 (2021-01-27) Added security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers. Fix DMA trigger information for DACn.
4.4.69 (2020-09-24) Added read device ID. Fix reading/writing configbits.
4.3.58 (2020-04-29) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Added CCW and CCF interrupts to A devices. Setup prerequisite for MPLAB v5.40 or newer
4.2.54 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
4.1.43 (2019-10-07) Improvements to the flash programming algorithm. Rename SVCall_Handler to SVC_Handler. Update modes for USART.
4.0.34 (2019-06-26) Improvements to the flash programming algorithm: Improve programming speed. Resolve a possible flash programming issue.
4.0.21 (2019-05-04) Removed legacy headers.
3.0.5 (2019-02-08) Corrections to XML and header-files. Core modules descriptions in ATDF and SVD changed for rev. B devices. Core IRQ and interrupt handler names changed to alligne with CMSIS names. Old names mapped as aliases to new names. Several errors in SVD files corrected. Missing TC1 and TC2 to instance definitions added to header files. TC, USART and USBHS module changed (for revB devices) to reflect the modes according to the datasheet. Added ARMCC support files. Added Keil support files. Succeeds Atmel.SAMS70_DFP 2.3.88.
Version Description
4.10.212 (2023-05-23)
        - Updated MPLAB XC32 content to correctly describe #pragma config. Requires MPLAB XC32 >= 4.10.
        - AFEC temperature sensor configuration.
        - Updated debug and programming scripts.
4.9.100 (2022-05-18) Removed SDRAM references due to errata 2.14
4.8.97 (2022-04-05) Added configuration data required for XC32.
4.7.95 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
4.6.80 (2021-06-30) Deprecated revision A devices. Fixed MPLABX debug scripts. Updated startup code. Updated header files. Updated XC32 content.
4.5.75 (2021-01-27) Added security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers. Fix DMA trigger information for DACn.
4.4.71 (2020-09-24) Added read device ID. Fix reading/writing configbits.
4.3.61 (2020-04-29) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Setup prerequisite for MPLAB v5.40 or newer
4.2.56 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
4.1.45 (2019-10-07) Improvements to the flash programming algorithm. Rename SVCall_Handler to SVC_Handler. Update modes for USART.
4.0.36 (2019-06-26) Improvements to the flash programming algorithm: Improve programming speed. Resolve a possible flash programming issue.
4.0.23 (2019-05-04) Removed legacy headers.
3.0.5 (2019-02-08) Corrections to XML and header-files. Core modules descriptions in ATDF and SVD changed for rev. B devices. Core IRQ and interrupt handler names changed to alligne with CMSIS names. Old names mapped as aliases to new names. Several errors in SVD files corrected. Missing TC1 and TC2 to instance definitions added to header files. TC, USART and USBHS module changed (for revB devices) to reflect the modes according to the datasheet. Added ARMCC support files. Added Keil support files. Succeeds Atmel.SAMV70_DFP 2.3.90.
Version Description
1.2.125 (2025-01-27) - Revert defines of TCx_IRQn to TCx_CH0_IRQn introduced in the DFP version 1.1.123.
1.1.123 (2025-01-02) - Extended wait time for flash to be ready for debuggers pending on py scripts.
1.0.120 (2023-09-20) Initial release.
Version Description
4.12.237 (2025-01-27) - Revert defines of TCx_IRQn to TCx_CH0_IRQn introduced in the DFP version 1.1.123.
4.11.235 (2025-01-03) - Extended wait time for flash to be ready for debuggers pending on py scripts.
4.10.230 (2023-05-23)
        - Updated MPLAB XC32 content to correctly describe #pragma config. Requires MPLAB XC32 >= 4.10.
        - AFEC temperature sensor configuration.
        - Updated debug and programming scripts.
4.9.117 (2022-05-18) Removed SDRAM references due to errata 2.14
4.8.113 (2022-04-06) Added configuration data required for XC32.
4.7.110 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
4.6.90 (2021-06-30) Deprecated revision A devices. Fixed MPLABX debug scripts. Updated startup code. Updated header files. Updated XC32 content.
4.5.82 (2021-01-27) Added security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers. Fix DMA trigger information for DACn.
4.4.78 (2020-09-24) Added read device ID. Updated MPLABX debug scripts. Setup prerequisite for MPLAB v5.40 or newer. Fix reading/writing configbits.
4.3.66 (2020-04-29) Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
4.2.60 (2020-02-12) Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.
4.1.49 (2019-10-07) Improvements to the flash programming algorithm. Rename SVCall_Handler to SVC_Handler. Update modes for USART.
4.0.39 (2019-06-26) Improvements to the flash programming algorithm: Improve programming speed. Resolve a possible flash programming issue.
4.0.27 (2019-05-04) Removed legacy headers.
3.0.8 (2019-02-14) Corrections to XML and header-files. Core modules descriptions in ATDF and SVD changed for rev. B devices. Core IRQ and interrupt handler names changed to alligne with CMSIS names. Old names mapped as aliases to new names. Several errors in SVD files corrected. Missing TC1 and TC2 to instance definitions added to header files. TC, USART and USBHS module changed (for revB devices) to reflect the modes according to the datasheet. Added ARMCC support files. Added Keil support files. Added python programming and debugging scripts for MPLAB X. Succeeds Atmel.SAMV71_DFP 2.3.136.
Version Description
1.3.42 (2020-03-02) Maintenance release, no functional changes.
1.3.40 (2020-02-12) Maintenance release, no functional changes.
1.2.37 (2019-10-08) Added MPLAB X tool mapping information.
1.1.33 (2019-07-11) Added 24FC01, 24FC02, 24FC04 and 24FC04H.
1.0.28 (2019-01-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.1.26 (2022-03-17) - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0. - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).
1.0.18 (2021-07-15) Intial release.
Version Description
2.3.165 (2023-08-14) - Fixed decoding of the device id and revision in MPLAB X.
2.2.54 (2021-07-09) Corrected pin pad name from PRO to PR0 for ATxmega128A1U and ATxmega64A1U. Updated copyright notice in c-header files. Fixed eeprom_read_block() routine. Mapped subdir of memx-const. Enabled data breakpoint in MPLAB X.
2.1.40 (2020-05-04) Changes to support files for XC8 2.20. Fixed EEPROM issue in PIC files. Fixed wrong intial value for FUSEBYTE4.JTAGEN causing warnings when validating configuration bits. Corrected fuse names.
2.0.11 (2019-07-11) Added description for some interrupts and added memberofperipheral for VirtualPin in PIC files.
2.0.6 (2019-04-16) Added isexecutable attribute to SRAM in PIC files.
2.0.3 (2019-01-24) Fixed upper bound of external memory for EBI devices. Succeeds Atmel.XMEGAA_DFP 1.1.68.
Version Description
2.3.149 (2023-01-09) - DEVXML-4037 Added CORE_VERSION define in header files. - MPLABXE-6896 Display AVR device ID and rev ID in the correct order in MPLAB X.
2.2.43 (2021-07-12) Updated copyright notice in c-header files. Fixed eeprom_read_block() routine. Enabled data breakpoints in MPLAB X.
2.1.34 (2020-05-04) Changes to support files for XC8 2.20. Fixed EEPROM issue in PIC files. Corrected fuse names.
2.0.9 (2019-07-11) Added description for some interrupts and added memberofperipheral for VirtualPin in PIC files.
2.0.5 (2019-04-16) Added isexecutable attribute to SRAM in PIC files.
2.0.2 (2019-01-24) Corrected fuse names. Succeeds Atmel.XMEGAB_DFP 1.1.55.
Version Description
2.4.150 (2025-01-07) - Updated information for the APPTABLE_SECTION for ATxmega64C3.
2.3.147 (2023-08-14) - Fixed decoding of the device id and revision in MPLAB X.
2.2.40 (2021-07-09) Updated copyright notice in c-header files. Fixed eeprom_read_block() routine. Mapped subdir of memx-const. Revert so it is in sync with assembler inc files for other XMEGAC devices.
2.1.32 (2020-05-04) Changes to support files for XC8 2.20. Fixed EEPROM issue in PIC files. Corrected fuse names.
2.0.9 (2019-07-11) Added description for some interrupts and added memberofperipheral for VirtualPin in PIC files.
2.0.5 (2019-04-16) Added isexecutable attribute to SRAM in PIC files.
2.0.2 (2019-01-24) Corrected fuse names. Succeeds Atmel.XMEGAC_DFP 1.1.50.
Version Description
2.4.154 (2023-08-14) - Fixed decoding of the device id and revision in MPLAB X.
2.3.50 (2021-12-08) Added missing DFLLCTRL values.
2.2.42 (2021-07-12) Updated copyright notice in c-header files. Fixed eeprom_read_block() routine. Enabled data breakpoint in MPLAB X. Revert so it is in sync with assembler inc files for other XMEGAC devices.
2.1.35 (2020-05-04) Changes to support files for XC8 2.20. Fixed EEPROM issue in PIC files. Corrected fuse names and CORE_VERSION.
2.0.9 (2019-07-11) Added description for some interrupts and added memberofperipheral for VirtualPin in PIC files.
2.0.5 (2019-04-16) Added isexecutable attribute to SRAM in PIC files.
2.0.2 (2019-01-24) Succeeds Atmel.XMEGAD_DFP 1.1.63.
Version Description
2.3.155 (2023-08-14) - Fixed decoding of the device id and revision in MPLAB X.
2.2.47 (2021-07-12) Updated copyright notice in c-header files. Fixed eeprom_read_block() routine. Enabled data breakpoint in MPLAB X.
2.1.38 (2020-05-04) Changes to support files for XC8 2.20. Fixed EEPROM issue in PIC files. Corrected fuse names.
2.0.9 (2019-07-11) Added description for some interrupts and added memberofperipheral for VirtualPin in PIC files.
2.0.5 (2019-04-16) Added isexecutable attribute to SRAM in PIC files.
2.0.2 (2019-01-24) Corrected fuse names. Corrected SPI SCK and MOSI signal definitions. Succeeds Atmel.XMEGAE_DFP 1.2.51.
Version Description
6.1.0 (2024-05-16)
      - CMSIS-Core: 6.1.0
        - Added support for Cortex-M52
        - Added deprecated CoreDebug symbols for CMSIS 5 compatibility
        - Added define CMSIS_DISABLE_DEPRECATED to hide deprecated symbols
      - CMSIS-Driver: 2.10.0
        - Updated USB Host API 2.4.0
6.0.0 (2023-12-18)
      - CMSIS-Core: 6.0.0
        - Core(M) and Core(A) joined into single Core component
        - Core header files reworked, aligned with TRMs
        - Previously deprecated features removed
        - Dropped support for Arm Compiler 5
      - CMSIS-DSP: moved into separate pack
      - CMSIS-NN: moved into separate pack
      - CMSIS-RTOS: deprecated and removed
        - RTX4 is deprecated and removed
      - CMSIS-RTOS2: 2.3.0
        - OS Tick API moved from Device to CMSIS class
        - Added provisional support for processor affinity in SMP systems
        - RTX5 is moved into separate CMSIS-RTX pack
      - CMSIS-Driver: 2.9.0
        - Updated VIO API 1.0.0
        - Added GPIO Driver API 1.0.0
      - CMSIS-Pack: moved into Open-CMSIS-Pack project
      - CMSIS-SVD: moved into Open-CMSIS-Pack project
      - CMSIS-DAP: moved into separate repository
      - Devices: moved into separate Cortex_DFP pack
      - Utilities: moved into CMSIS-Toolbox project
5.9.0 (2022-05-02)
      CMSIS-Core(M): 5.6.0
       - Arm Cortex-M85 cpu support
       - Arm China STAR-MC1 cpu support
       - Updated system_ARMCM55.c
      CMSIS-DSP: 1.10.0 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-NN: 3.1.0 (see revision history for details)
       - Support for int16 convolution and fully connected for reference implementation
       - Support for DSP extension optimization for int16 convolution and fully connected
       - Support dilation for int8 convolution
       - Support dilation for int8 depthwise convolution
       - Support for int16 depthwise conv for reference implementation including dilation
       - Support for int16 average and max pooling for reference implementation
       - Support for elementwise add and mul int16 scalar version
       - Support for softmax int16 scalar version
       - Support for SVDF with 8 bit state tensor
      CMSIS-RTOS2: 2.1.3 (unchanged)
        - RTX 5.5.4 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-Pack: deprecated (moved to Open-CMSIS-Pack)
      CMSIS-SVD: 1.3.9 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-DAP: 2.1.1 (see revision history for details)
       - Allow default clock frequency to use fast clock mode
       - Support for Cortex-M85
        - SVDConv 3.3.42
        - PackChk 1.3.95
5.8.0 (2021-06-24)
      CMSIS-Core(M): 5.5.0 (see revision history for details)
        - Updated GCC LinkerDescription, GCC Assembler startup
        - Added Armv8-M Stack Sealing (to linker, startup) for toolchain ARM, GCC
        - Changed C-Startup to default Startup.
        - Updated Armv8-M Assembler startup to use GAS syntax
          Note: Updating existing projects may need manual user interaction!
      CMSIS-Core(A): 1.2.1 (see revision history for details)
        - Bugfixes for Cortex-A32
      CMSIS-DAP: 2.1.0 (see revision history for details)
        - Enhanced DAP_Info
        - Added extra UART support
      CMSIS-DSP: 1.9.0 (see revision history for details)
        - Purged pre-built libs from Git
        - Enhanced support for f16 datatype
        - Fixed couple of GCC issues
      CMSIS-NN: 3.0.0 (see revision history for details including version 2.0.0)
        - Major interface change for functions compatible with TensorFlow Lite for Microcontroller
        - Added optimization for SVDF kernel
        - Improved MVE performance for fully Connected and max pool operator
        - NULL bias support for fully connected operator in non-MVE case(Can affect performance)
        - Expanded existing unit test suite along with support for FVP
        - Removed Examples folder
        - RTX 5.5.3 (see revision history for details)
          - CVE-2021-27431 vulnerability mitigation.
          - Enhanced stack overrun checking.
          - Various bug fixes and improvements.
      CMSIS-Pack: 1.7.2 (see revision history for details)
        - Support for Microchip XC32 compiler
        - Support for Custom Datapath Extension
5.7.0 (2020-04-09)
      CMSIS-Build: 0.9.0 (beta)
        - Draft for CMSIS Project description (CPRJ)
      CMSIS-Core(M): 5.4.0 (see revision history for details)
        - Cortex-M55 cpu support
        - Enhanced MVE support for Armv8.1-MML
        - Fixed device config define checks.
        - L1 Cache functions for Armv7-M and later
      CMSIS-Core(A): 1.2.0 (see revision history for details)
        - Fixed GIC_SetPendingIRQ to use GICD_SGIR
        - Added missing DSP intrinsics
        - Reworked assembly intrinsics: volatile, barriers and clobber
      CMSIS-DSP: 1.8.0 (see revision history for details)
        - Added new functions and function groups
        - Added MVE support
      CMSIS-NN: 1.3.0 (see revision history for details)
        - Added MVE support
        - Further optimizations for kernels using DSP extension
        - RTX 5.5.2 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-Driver: 2.8.0
        - Added VIO API 0.1.0 (Preview)
        - removed volatile from status related typedefs in APIs
        - enhanced WiFi Interface API with support for polling Socket Receive/Send
      CMSIS-Pack: 1.6.3 (see revision history for details)
        - deprecating all types specific to cpdsc format. Cpdsc is replaced by Cprj with dedicated schema.
        - ARMCM55 device
        - ARMv81MML startup code recognizing __MVE_USED macro
        - Refactored vector table references for all Cortex-M devices
        - Reworked ARMCM* C-StartUp files.
        - Include L1 Cache functions in ARMv8MML/ARMv81MML devices
        Attention: Linux binaries moved to Linux64 folder!
        - SVDConv 3.3.35
        - PackChk 1.3.89
5.6.0 (2019-07-10)
      CMSIS-Core(M): 5.3.0 (see revision history for details)
        - Added provisions for compiler-independent C startup code.
      CMSIS-Core(A): 1.1.4 (see revision history for details)
        - Fixed __FPU_Enable.
      CMSIS-DSP: 1.7.0 (see revision history for details)
        - New Neon versions of f32 functions
        - Python wrapper
        - Preliminary cmake build
        - Compilation flags for FFTs
        - Changes to arm_math.h
      CMSIS-NN: 1.2.0 (see revision history for details)
        - New function for depthwise convolution with asymmetric quantization.
        - New support functions for requantization.
        - RTX 4.82.0 (updated provisions for Arm Compiler 6 when using Cortex-M0/M0+)
        - RTX 5.5.1 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-Driver: 2.7.1
        - WiFi Interface API 1.0.0
        - Generalized C startup code for all Cortex-M family devices.
        - Updated Cortex-A default memory regions and MMU configurations
        - Moved Cortex-A memory and system config files to avoid include path issues
5.5.1 (2019-03-20)
      The following folders are deprecated
        - CMSIS/Include/ (superseded by CMSIS/DSP/Include/ and CMSIS/Core/Include/)

      CMSIS-Core(M): 5.2.1 (see revision history for details)
        - Fixed compilation issue in cmsis_armclang_ltm.h
5.5.0 (2019-03-18)
      The following folders have been removed:
        - CMSIS/Lib/ (superseded by CMSIS/DSP/Lib/)
        - CMSIS/DSP_Lib/ (superseded by CMSIS/DSP/)
      The following folders are deprecated
        - CMSIS/Include/ (superseded by CMSIS/DSP/Include/ and CMSIS/Core/Include/)

      CMSIS-Core(M): 5.2.0 (see revision history for details)
        - Reworked Stack/Heap configuration for ARM startup files.
        - Added Cortex-M35P device support.
        - Added generic Armv8.1-M Mainline device support.
      CMSIS-Core(A): 1.1.3 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-DSP: 1.6.0 (see revision history for details)
        - reworked DSP library source files
        - reworked DSP library documentation
        - Changed DSP folder structure
        - moved DSP libraries to folder ./DSP/Lib
        - ARM DSP Libraries are built with ARMCLANG
        - Added DSP Libraries Source variant
        - RTX 5.5.0 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-Driver: 2.7.0
        - Added WiFi Interface API 1.0.0-beta
        - Added components for project specific driver implementations
      CMSIS-Pack: 1.6.0 (see revision history for details)
        - Added Cortex-M35P and ARMv81MML device templates.
        - Fixed C-Startup Code for GCC (aligned with other compilers)
        - SVDConv 3.3.25
        - PackChk 1.3.82
5.4.0 (2018-08-01)
      Aligned pack structure with repository.
      The following folders are deprecated:
        - CMSIS/Include/
        - CMSIS/DSP_Lib/

      CMSIS-Core(M): 5.1.2 (see revision history for details)
        - Added Cortex-M1 support (beta).
      CMSIS-Core(A): 1.1.2 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-NN: 1.1.0
        - Added new math functions.
        - API 2.1.3 (see revision history for details)
        - RTX 5.4.0 (see revision history for details)
          * Updated exception handling on Cortex-A
        - Flash Driver API V2.2.0
        - SVDConv 3.3.21
        - PackChk 1.3.71
5.3.0 (2018-02-22)
      Updated Arm company brand.
      CMSIS-Core(M): 5.1.1 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-Core(A): 1.1.1 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-DAP: 2.0.0 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-NN: 1.0.0
        - Initial contribution of the bare metal Neural Network Library.
        - RTX 5.3.0 (see revision history for details)
        - OS Tick API 1.0.1
5.2.0 (2017-11-16)
      CMSIS-Core(M): 5.1.0 (see revision history for details)
        - Added MPU Functions for ARMv8-M for Cortex-M23/M33.
        - Added compiler_iccarm.h to replace compiler_iar.h shipped with the compiler.
      CMSIS-Core(A): 1.1.0 (see revision history for details)
        - Added compiler_iccarm.h.
        - Added additional access functions for physical timer.
      CMSIS-DAP: 1.2.0 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-DSP: 1.5.2 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-Driver: 2.6.0 (see revision history for details)
        - CAN Driver API V1.2.0
        - NAND Driver API V2.3.0
        - RTX: added variant for Infineon XMC4 series affected by PMU_CM.001 errata.
        - API 2.1.2 (see revision history for details)
        - RTX 5.2.3 (see revision history for details)
        - Added GCC startup and linker script for Cortex-A9.
        - Added device ARMCM0plus_MPU for Cortex-M0+ with MPU.
        - Added IAR startup code for Cortex-A9
5.1.1 (2017-09-19) CMSIS-RTOS2: - RTX 5.2.1 (see revision history for details)
5.1.0 (2017-08-04)
      CMSIS-Core(M): 5.0.2 (see revision history for details)
      - Changed Version Control macros to be core agnostic.
      - Added MPU Functions for ARMv7-M for Cortex-M0+/M3/M4/M7.
      CMSIS-Core(A): 1.0.0 (see revision history for details)
      - Initial release
      - IRQ Controller API 1.0.0
      CMSIS-Driver: 2.05 (see revision history for details)
      - All typedefs related to status have been made volatile.
      - API 2.1.1 (see revision history for details)
      - RTX 5.2.0 (see revision history for details)
      - OS Tick API 1.0.0
      CMSIS-DSP: 1.5.2 (see revision history for details)
      - Fixed GNU Compiler specific diagnostics.
      CMSIS-Pack: 1.5.0 (see revision history for details)
      - added System Description File (*.SDF) Format
      CMSIS-Zone: 0.0.1 (Preview)
      - Initial specification draft
5.0.1 (2017-02-03)
      Package Description:
      - added taxonomy for Cclass RTOS
      - API 2.1   (see revision history for details)
      - RTX 5.1.0 (see revision history for details)
      CMSIS-Core: 5.0.1 (see revision history for details)
      - Added __PACKED_STRUCT macro
      - Added uVisior support
      - Updated cmsis_armcc.h: corrected macro __ARM_ARCH_6M__
      - Updated template for secure main function (main_s.c)
      - Updated template for Context Management for ARMv8-M TrustZone (tz_context.c)
      CMSIS-DSP: 1.5.1 (see revision history for details)
      - added ARMv8M DSP libraries.
      CMSIS-Pack:1.4.9 (see revision history for details)
      - added Pack Index File specification and schema file
5.0.0 (2016-11-11)
      Changed open source license to Apache 2.0
       - Added support for Cortex-M23 and Cortex-M33.
       - Added ARMv8-M device configurations for mainline and baseline.
       - Added CMSE support and thread context management for TrustZone for ARMv8-M
       - Added cmsis_compiler.h to unify compiler behaviour.
       - Updated function SCB_EnableICache (for Cortex-M7).
       - Added functions: NVIC_GetEnableIRQ, SCB_GetFPUType
        - bug fix in RTX 4.82 (see revision history for details)
        - new API including compatibility layer to CMSIS-RTOS
        - reference implementation based on RTX5
        - supports all Cortex-M variants including TrustZone for ARMv8-M
       - reworked SVD format documentation
       - removed SVD file database documentation as SVD files are distributed in packs
       - updated SVDConv for Win32 and Linux
       - Moved DSP libraries from CMSIS/DSP/Lib to CMSIS/Lib.
       - Added DSP libraries build projects to CMSIS pack.
4.5.0 (2015-10-28)
      - CMSIS-Core     4.30.0  (see revision history for details)
      - CMSIS-DAP      1.1.0   (unchanged)
      - CMSIS-Driver   2.04.0  (see revision history for details)
      - CMSIS-DSP      1.4.7   (no source code change [still labeled 1.4.5], see revision history for details)
      - CMSIS-Pack     1.4.1   (see revision history for details)
      - CMSIS-RTOS     4.80.0  Restored time delay parameter 'millisec' old behavior (prior V4.79) for software compatibility. (see revision history for details)
      - CMSIS-SVD      1.3.1   (see revision history for details)
4.4.0 (2015-09-11)
      - CMSIS-Core     4.20   (see revision history for details)
      - CMSIS-DSP      1.4.6  (no source code change [still labeled 1.4.5], see revision history for details)
      - CMSIS-Pack     1.4.0  (adding memory attributes, algorithm style)
      - CMSIS-Driver   2.03.0 (adding CAN [Controller Area Network] API)
      - CMSIS-RTOS
        -- API         1.02   (unchanged)
        -- RTX         4.79   (see revision history for details)
      - CMSIS-SVD      1.3.0  (see revision history for details)
      - CMSIS-DAP      1.1.0  (extended with SWO support)
4.3.0 (2015-03-20)
      - CMSIS-Core     4.10   (Cortex-M7 extended Cache Maintenance functions)
      - CMSIS-DSP      1.4.5  (see revision history for details)
      - CMSIS-Driver   2.02   (adding SAI (Serial Audio Interface) API)
      - CMSIS-Pack     1.3.3  (Semantic Versioning, Generator extensions)
      - CMSIS-RTOS
        -- API         1.02   (unchanged)
        -- RTX         4.78   (see revision history for details)
      - CMSIS-SVD      1.2    (unchanged)
4.2.0 (2014-09-24)
      Adding Cortex-M7 support
      - CMSIS-Core     4.00  (Cortex-M7 support, corrected C++ include guards in core header files)
      - CMSIS-DSP      1.4.4 (Cortex-M7 support and corrected out of bound issues)
      - CMSIS-Pack     1.3.1 (Cortex-M7 updates, clarification, corrected batch files in Tutorial)
      - CMSIS-SVD      1.2   (Cortex-M7 extensions)
      - CMSIS-RTOS RTX 4.75  (see revision history for details)
4.1.1 (2014-06-30) - fixed conditions preventing the inclusion of the DSP library in projects for Infineon XMC4000 series devices
4.1.0 (2014-06-12)
      - CMSIS-Driver   2.02  (incompatible update)
      - CMSIS-Pack     1.3   (see revision history for details)
      - CMSIS-DSP      1.4.2 (unchanged)
      - CMSIS-Core     3.30  (unchanged)
      - CMSIS-RTOS RTX 4.74  (unchanged)
      - CMSIS-RTOS API 1.02  (unchanged)
      - CMSIS-SVD      1.10  (unchanged)
      - removed G++ specific files from PACK
      - added Component Startup variant "C Startup"
      - added Pack Checking Utility
      - updated conditions to reflect tool-chain dependency
      - added Taxonomy for Graphics
      - updated Taxonomy for unified drivers from "Drivers" to "CMSIS Drivers"
3.20.4 (2014-02-20) - CMSIS-RTOS 4.74 (see revision history for details) - PACK Extensions (Boards, Device Features, Flash Programming, Generators, Configuration Wizard). Schema version 1.1.

Version Description
1.9.918 (2025-03-04) - FW3G-250 Added support for AVR-SD. - FW3G-271 Firmware release
1.8.826 (2024-09-17) - DSG-7466 Enabled support for AVR DA S devices (PDID feature).
1.7.796 (2024-04-10) - DEVXML-5866 Enable support for more PIC32CM and PIC32CK devices.
1.6.746 (2023-08-21)
        - FW3G-174, FW3G-175, FW3G-179 Added support for AVR-DU.
        - FW3G-186 Added support for BOOTROW memory.
        - FW3G-187, FW3G-193, FW3G-234 Improved UPDI reliability when WDT or CRC is enabled.
        - FW3G-207 Firmware release
1.5.512 (2022-06-17) - DEVXML-4613 Enabled ATSAME51 devices.
1.4.490 (2022-03-29)
        - MPLABX-6293 Enabled read of memories while debugging for SAM parts.
        - MPLABX-5830 Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega3208 and ATmega3209.
        - MPLABX-5797 Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega128A ATmega128.
        - FW3G-168 Support for AVR EA, FW version
1.3.220 (2020-10-14) Maintenance release: updated metadata, no functional changes.
1.2.161 (2020-06-05) Added support for ATSAMD20E15BU and ATSAMD20E16BU.
1.1.137 (2020-05-14) Release for 5.40.
1.0.37 (2020-02-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.6.762 (2024-01-18) - DEVXML-5758 Added support for ATSAMV71Q21RT.
1.5.737 (2023-10-10) - Maintenance release: updated metadata, no functional changes.
1.4.384 (2021-07-16)
        - MPLABX-6293 Enabled read of memories while debugging for SAM parts.
        - MPLABX-5830 Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega3208 and ATmega3209.
        - MPLABX-5797 Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega128A ATmega128.
1.3.220 (2020-10-14) Maintenance release: updated metadata, no functional changes.
1.2.161 (2020-06-05) Added support for ATSAMD20E15BU and ATSAMD20E16BU.
1.1.133 (2020-05-14) Release for 5.40.
1.0.31 (2020-02-24) Initial release.
Version Description
2.8.2104 (2025-02-26)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.25
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-7949     - ICD5 unable to correctly detect Device ID on Atmega324PB
          MPLABX-8560     - Enable smart programming for PIC32MK/MM/MX families
          PK4-217         - User ID erase failure at low voltage on PIC16 devices
2.7.2043 (2024-12-10)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          ICD5-43         - Reduced Ethernet throughput when programming iperf demo on SAM9X
2.6.1993 (2024-10-15)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          ICD4-650        - DebugReset Failed Error on PIC32CX-MT devices
          PK4-280         - User Toggle Power dialog box not displayed
          PK5-61          - Slow debugging using PICkit5 on SAM9X
          MPLABX-8497     - Unable to Program PIC32CK GC01 Curiosity Ultra Kit
          SFMPLABX-1107   - Failed to initialize PIC32CX1025SG41064
          SFDBG-658       - Fix for ATMEG32A programming issue
2.5.1856 (2024-05-01)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          MHD-3445        - Incorrect application ID address for RIPE_23 programming executive
          MHD-3587        - Update programming delays for PIC16F180xx family
2.4.1837 (2024-03-07)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Some Fixes apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-8002     - ATA5702 Programming failure
          MPLABX-8054     - Pause and Resume doesn't work properly in SAM9X60
          MPLABX-8149     - Unable to Debug SAMA7G54 using MPLABX 6.15
          SFDBG-631       - Cannot enter debug mode on ATmega32A
          SFDBG-634       - Fix for EraseP command in the Programming Executive (Enhanced ICSP) on dsPIC33E/PIC24E devices
          SNAP-69         - Error when single stepping through a RESET instruction on dsPIC33E/dsPIC33C devices
          ICE4-180        - Live connect causes a reset on AVR JTAG devices
2.3.1809 (2024-01-17)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.20
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-266         - Failure to program config bits on some ATmega devices
2.2.1805 (2024-01-03)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-232         - Dataflash programming error on PIC32CM devices
          PK4-251         - Programming spec violation for some legacy PIC18 devices
          PK4-254         - LVP support using PGM pin for PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 family
          SNAP-68         - Erase failure at 1.8V on XMEGA
2.1.1736 (2023-07-26)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-239         - Fix for AVR range programming for ISP communication interface.
          MPLABX-7690     - Fix for AVR ATmega parts not properly displaying SFR values in Watch window using Step In and Step Over operations.
          PK4-229         - Fix for Programming Specification violation for 8-bit PIC parts.
          PK4-237         - Fix for inability to re-program the dsPIC33EP parts when secure segments are used.
          SFDBG-599       - Fix for Programming Specification violation PIC16F87x family.
2.0.1702 (2023-05-04) Update for MPLAB X 6.10
1.13.1673 (2023-02-28) - New Device Support
1.12.1645 (2023-01-13)
        MHD-1945    - SAM9x support
        MHD-2520    - EEC1005 device name correction
        ICD4-615    - Clear interrupt disable bit after a single step operation
        PK4-212     - Fix for SAMD21 release from reset after programming
1.11.1510 (2022-10-13) Update for MPLAB X 6.05
1.10.1356 (2022-03-22) New Device Support
1.9.1287 (2021-12-14)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.00:
        - Bug Fixes
        - New Device Support
1.8.1150 (2021-06-07) IPE-1525 - Verify fails on dsPIC33EP-GS devices when programmed in single partition mode MPLABX-5903 - Code does not run after 4-wire production programming on PIC32MK
1.7.1106 (2021-04-30)
        MPLABX-5830 - Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega3208 and ATmega3209.
        ICD4-555    - Failure to program SAME5x when WDT is enabled
        ICD4-566    - Software breakpoint fix for MEC14xx family
        PK4-156     - Failure to halt on breakpoint for some mid-range devices
        PK4-159     - HCS410 Programming Failures
1.6.1016 (2021-02-19) - Bug Fixes - New Device Support
1.5.952 (2020-12-16) MPLABX-5815 - Fix for debug exec verify failures on some PIC16 devices
1.4.906 (2020-10-14)
        MPLABX-5271 - ICD4 and SAMV71 : Reading program memory to hex file renders board non functional
        ICD4-517    - Error when writing Lock words on ATSAME70 (requires MPLAB 5.45)
        PK4-116     - PIC24K programming issues at low voltage
        PK4-135     - Fix for VPP-first support (requires MPLAB 5.45)
        PK4-144     - Fix for programming time regression
1.3.872 (2020-08-21)
        Issues Fixed:
        - MPLABX-5569 - Alternating pass/fails when programming ATSAMC2x/D2x/L2x
        - ICD4-446 - Protocol failure when using incorrect PGC/D pair for debugging on PIC32M devices
        - ICD4-520 - dsPIC30F501x verify errors when code protection is turned on
        - ICD4-526 - Programming errors in single partition mode when single partition directive is specified in code (16-bit dual partition devices

        Known issues:
        - Fix for MPLABX-5569 may affect release from reset functionality (device will remain in reset after programming).
1.2.804 (2020-06-03) MPLAB ICD 4 R5 Device ID/programming/debugging fix
1.1.776 (2020-05-14) Release for 5.40
1.0.70 (2020-02-24) Initial release
Version Description
2.8.652 (2025-02-26)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.25
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-7949     - ICD5 unable to correctly detect Device ID on Atmega324PB
          MPLABX-8560     - Enable smart programming for PIC32MK/MM/MX families
          PK4-217         - User ID erase failure at low voltage on PIC16 devices
2.7.583 (2024-12-10)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          ICD5-43         - Reduced Ethernet throughput when programming iperf demo on SAM9X
2.6.521 (2024-10-15)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          ICD4-650        - DebugReset Failed Error on PIC32CX-MT devices
          PK4-280         - User Toggle Power dialog box not displayed
          PK5-61          - Slow debugging using PICkit5 on SAM9X
          MPLABX-8497     - Unable to Program PIC32CK GC01 Curiosity Ultra Kit
          SFMPLABX-1107   - Failed to initialize PIC32CX1025SG41064
          SFDBG-658       - Fix for ATMEG32A programming issue
2.5.367 (2024-05-01)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          MHD-3445        - Incorrect application ID address for RIPE_23 programming executive
          MHD-3587        - Update programming delays for PIC16F180xx family
2.4.342 (2024-03-07)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Some Fixes apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-8002     - ATA5702 Programming failure
          MPLABX-8054     - Pause and Resume doesn't work properly in SAM9X60
          MPLABX-8149     - Unable to Debug SAMA7G54 using MPLABX 6.15
          SFDBG-631       - Cannot enter debug mode on ATmega32A
          SFDBG-634       - Fix for EraseP command in the Programming Executive (Enhanced ICSP) on dsPIC33E/PIC24E devices
          ICD5-29         - Fail to program SAME54 device when programming speed is set to High
          ICE4-180        - Live connect causes a reset on AVR JTAG devices
2.3.304 (2024-01-17)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.20
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-266         - Failure to program config bits on some ATmega devices
2.2.299 (2024-01-03)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-232         - Dataflash programming error on PIC32CM devices
          PK4-251         - Programming spec violation for some legacy PIC18 devices
          PK4-254         - LVP support using PGM pin for PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 family
          SNAP-68         - Erase failure at 1.8V on XMEGA
2.1.222 (2023-07-26)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-239         - Fix for AVR range programming for ISP communication interface.
          MPLABX-7690     - Fix for AVR ATmega parts not properly displaying SFR values in Watch window using Step In and Step Over operations.
          PK4-229         - Fix for Programming Specification violation for 8-bit PIC parts.
          PK4-237         - Fix for inability to re-program the dsPIC33EP parts when secure segments are used.
          SFDBG-599       - Fix for Programming Specification violation PIC16F87x family.
2.0.188 (2023-05-04) Update for MPLAB X 6.10
Version Description
4.8.1688 (2025-02-26)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.25
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-7949     - ICD5 unable to correctly detect Device ID on Atmega324PB
          MPLABX-8560     - Enable smart programming for PIC32MK/MM/MX families
          PK4-217         - User ID erase failure at low voltage on PIC16 devices
4.7.1617 (2024-12-10)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          ICD5-43         - Reduced Ethernet throughput when programming iperf demo on SAM9X
4.6.1554 (2024-10-15)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          ICD4-650        - DebugReset Failed Error on PIC32CX-MT devices
          PK4-280         - User Toggle Power dialog box not displayed
          PK5-61          - Slow debugging using PICkit5 on SAM9X
          MPLABX-8497     - Unable to Program PIC32CK GC01 Curiosity Ultra Kit
          SFMPLABX-1107   - Failed to initialize PIC32CX1025SG41064
          SFDBG-658       - Fix for ATMEG32A programming issue
4.5.1396 (2024-05-01)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          MHD-3445        - Incorrect application ID address for RIPE_23 programming executive
          MHD-3587        - Update programming delays for PIC16F180xx family
4.4.1369 (2024-03-07)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Some Fixes apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-8002     - ATA5702 Programming failure
          MPLABX-8054     - Pause and Resume doesn't work properly in SAM9X60
          MPLABX-8149     - Unable to Debug SAMA7G54 using MPLABX 6.15
          SFDBG-631       - Cannot enter debug mode on ATmega32A
          SFDBG-634       - Fix for EraseP command in the Programming Executive (Enhanced ICSP) on dsPIC33E/PIC24E devices
          ICD5-29         - Fail to program SAME54 device when programming speed is set to High
          ICE4-180        - Live connect causes a reset on AVR JTAG devices
4.3.1326 (2024-01-17)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.20
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-266         - Failure to program config bits on some ATmega devices
4.2.1320 (2024-01-03)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-232         - Dataflash programming error on PIC32CM devices
          PK4-251         - Programming spec violation for some legacy PIC18 devices
          PK4-254         - LVP support using PGM pin for PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 family
          SNAP-68         - Erase failure at 1.8V on XMEGA
4.1.1239 (2023-07-26)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-239         - Fix for AVR range programming for ISP communication interface.
          MPLABX-7690     - Fix for AVR ATmega parts not properly displaying SFR values in Watch window using Step In and Step Over operations.
          PK4-229         - Fix for Programming Specification violation for 8-bit PIC parts.
          PK4-237         - Fix for inability to re-program the dsPIC33EP parts when secure segments are used.
          SFDBG-599       - Fix for Programming Specification violation PIC16F87x family.
4.0.1202 (2023-05-04) Update for MPLAB X 6.10
3.4.1164 (2023-02-28) - New Device Support - Added LiveConnect for some ARM devices
3.3.1129 (2023-01-17)
        MHD-1945    - SAM9x support
        MHD-2520    - EEC1005 device name correction
        ICD4-615    - Clear interrupt disable bit after a single step operation
3.2.992 (2022-10-21) Update for MPLAB X 6.05
3.1.817 (2022-03-22) New Device Support
3.0.743 (2021-12-16) Initial release for MPLAB X 6.00
Version Description
1.0.146 (2023-03-22)
       - Initial release.
       - FW3G-174, FW3G-175, FW3G-179 Added support for AVR-DU.
       - FW3G-186 Added support for BOOTROW memory.
       - FW3G-187, FW3G-193, FW3G-234 Improved UPDI reliability when WDT or CRC is enabled.
       - FW3G-220 Firmware release
Version Description
1.2.438 (2022-03-29) - MPLABX-6293 Enabled read of memories while debugging for SAM parts. - MPLABX-5830 Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega3208 and ATmega3209. - MPLABX-5797 Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega128A ATmega128.
1.1.105 (2020-05-14) Release for 5.40.
1.0.11 (2020-02-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.16.876 (2025-03-07) FW5G-1362 Firmware release 1.32.46 FW5G-1337 Added PDI handshake for AVR-SD
1.15.838 (2025-01-22)
          DEVXML-6406 Support PIC32CM5112SG00048
          DEVXML-6407 Support PIC32CM6408JH00064
          DEVXML-6408 Support PIC32CM3204GV00064
          DEVXML-6409 Support PIC32CK2051SG01064
1.14.751 (2024-04-17)
        FW5G-1323 nEDBG 1.31 Firmware release process
        FW5G-1321 Added drag and drop support for UF2 file format
        FW5G-1320 Fixed fuse protection not working with non-zero fuse section base address
        FW5G-1289 Fixed incorrect status reporting upon baud rate change errors
1.13.715 (2023-10-25)
        NB: This toolpack supersedes and replaces version 1.12.711 which is now deprecated.
        FW5G-1305 Post-build processing of artifact to workaround MPLABX-8013
        FW5G-1306 nEDBG 1.30.35 Firmware release process
1.12.711 (2023-09-25)
        FW5G-1149 Fixed debugger nosedive if PC is read too soon after MCU reset
        FW5G-1191 Re-worked prog mode entry to be more reliable when WDT is enabled
        FW5G-1205 Fixed AVR NVM version P:4 (STATUS to offset 0x6)
        FW5G-1215 Fixed debugger sometimes using only 8 bits of the User row size parameter
        FW5G-1220 Added support for BOOTROW memtype and UPDIPROT filter
        FW5G-1222 Added prevention for drag-and-drop to UPDIPROT (AVR)
        FW5G-1293 Added prevention for drag-and-drop to irreversible config bytes (PIC)
        FW5G-1249 Improved error handling when starting a debug session when CRC is enabled
        FW5G-1250 nEDBG 1.29.32 Firmware release process
1.11.554 (2022-11-10)
        DSG-5804 enabled Hardware Stack view for PIC18 Curiosity Nanos
        FW5G-1192 nEDBG 1.27.129 firmware release process
        DSG-2330 Debugger firmware for dsPIC33 support
        FW5G-1147 Added more DAP_INFO fields
        FW5G-1162 Added support for AVR NVM version P:4 (AVR-DU)
1.10.488 (2022-05-24)
Added support for dsPIC33; firmware fixes:
        DSG-3615 Added dsPIC33CK64MC105 to ToolPack
        FW5G-1133 nEDBG 1.25.116 firmware release process
        FW5G-315 Added support for sending BREAK character over CDC
        FW5G-1131 Fixed PIC16 EEPROM mapping for drag-and-drop (PIC16F18076, PIC16F17146)
        FW5G-1121 Fixed CMSIS-DAP LED handling (using DAP_HostStatus argument)
        FW5G-356, FW5G-1107, FW5G-1109, FW5G-446 Minor tweaks and cleanups
1.9.446 (2022-01-26)
Added support for PIC16F17146, PIC16F18146, PIC16F18056 and PIC16F18076
        FW5G-1086 nEDBG 1.23.91 firmware release process
        FW5G-1038 added AVR-EA support
        FW5G-331 Fixed fuse protection to prevent disabling UPDI on kits
1.8.318 (2021-04-12) DSG-1940 Added support for PIC16F15276
1.7.295 (2021-03-04)
        MPLABX-5830 Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega3208 and ATmega3209.
        FW5G-762, FW5G-939, FW5G-764, FW5G-874 Added: AVR EA family support
        FW5G-877	Fix: CDC should not be declared as an ACM class device
        FW5G-876	Fix: CDC should not send without DTR asserted
        FW5G-894	Fix: CDC minimum baud should be 300 to support pyupdi break characters
        FW5G-937	Fix: Drag-and-drop to UART ends prematurely
        FW5G-895, FW5G-936 Fix: PIC drag-and-drop programming fixes
1.6.222 (2020-10-14) Maintenance release: updated metadata, no functional changes.
1.5.210 (2020-09-04) Fixed PIC24FJ64GU205 debug support.
1.4.198 (2020-08-05) Enable programming and debugging for PIC18F16Q40, PIC18F16Q41, and PIC24FJ64GU205.
1.3.164 (2020-06-09) Added SAM-IOT support
1.2.157 (2020-06-05) Added support for ATSAMD20E15BU and ATSAMD20E16BU.
1.1.133 (2020-05-14) Release for 5.40.
1.0.33 (2020-02-24) Initial release.
Version Description
2.8.2226 (2025-02-26)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.25
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-7949     - ICD5 unable to correctly detect Device ID on Atmega324PB
          MPLABX-8560     - Enable smart programming for PIC32MK/MM/MX families
          PK4-217         - User ID erase failure at low voltage on PIC16 devices
2.7.2156 (2024-12-10)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          ICD5-43         - Reduced Ethernet throughput when programming iperf demo on SAM9X
2.6.2088 (2024-10-15)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          ICD4-650        - DebugReset Failed Error on PIC32CX-MT devices
          PK4-280         - User Toggle Power dialog box not displayed
          PK5-61          - Slow debugging using PICkit5 on SAM9X
          PK5-67          - Add PTG support for AT90CAN32/64 devices and a few other missing families
          PK5-70          - PTG hangs when using UPDI pin as GPIO
          MPLABX-8497     - Unable to Program PIC32CK GC01 Curiosity Ultra Kit
          SFMPLABX-1107   - Failed to initialize PIC32CX1025SG41064
          SFDBG-658       - Fix for ATMEG32A programming issue
2.5.1929 (2024-05-01)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          PK5-56          - Programmer to go fails when programming a locked AVR UPDI device.
          MHD-3445        - Incorrect application ID address for RIPE_23 programming executive
          MHD-3587        - Update programming delays for PIC16F180xx family
          MHD-3607        - Programmer-To-Go AVR support for release from reset / hold in reset
2.4.1887 (2024-03-07)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Some Fixes apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-8002     - ATA5702 Programming failure
          MPLABX-8054     - Pause and Resume doesn't work properly in SAM9X60
          MPLABX-8149     - Unable to Debug SAMA7G54 using MPLABX 6.15
          SFDBG-631       - Cannot enter debug mode on ATmega32A
          SFDBG-634       - Fix for EraseP command in the Programming Executive (Enhanced ICSP) on dsPIC33E/PIC24E devices
          SNAP-69         - Error when single stepping through a RESET instruction on dsPIC33E/dsPIC33C devices
2.3.1848 (2024-01-17)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.20
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-266         - Failure to program config bits on some ATmega devices
2.2.1843 (2024-01-03)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-232         - Dataflash programming error on PIC32CM devices
          PK4-251         - Programming spec violation for some legacy PIC18 devices
          PK4-253         - PICkit4,  PICkit5 and SNAP do not assert RESET pin on AVR devices
          PK4-254         - LVP support using PGM pin for PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 family
          PK5-39          - Connection fails when Switching between AVR and SAM targets
          SNAP-68         - Erase failure at 1.8V on XMEGA
2.1.1763 (2023-07-26)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-239         - Fix for AVR range programming for ISP communication interface.
          MPLABX-7690     - Fix for AVR ATmega parts not properly displaying SFR values in Watch window using Step In and Step Over operations.
          PK4-229         - Fix for Programming Specification violation for 8-bit PIC parts.
          PK4-237         - Fix for inability to re-program the dsPIC33EP parts when secure segments are used.
          PK4-242         - MPLAB PICkit 4 and MPLAB PICkit 5:
                            Programmer-To-Go fix for AVR devices using JTAG communication interface.
          PK4-246         - MPLAB PICkit 4 and MPLAB PICkit 5:
                            Programmer-To-Go fix for AVR ATtiny devices using TPI communication interface.
          PK5-32          - MPLAB PICkit 4 and MPLAB PICkit 5:
                            Programmer-To-Go fix for AVR range programming.
          MHD-2493        - MPLAB PICkit 4 and MPLAB PICkit 5:
                            1) Fix to prepare for better IDE/IPE messaging for Vpp hardware limitation specific to MPLAB PICkit 4 (PCB revisions 1 through 5)
                            2) Fix to avoid MPLAB PICkit 4 (PCB revision 6) and MPLAB PICkit 5 (all PCB revisions) from artificially inheriting the Vpp hardware limitation of MPLAB PICkit 4 (PCB revisions 1 through 5).
          SFDBG-599       - Fix for Programming Specification violation PIC16F87x family.
2.0.1722 (2023-05-04) Update for MPLAB X 6.10
1.15.1688 (2023-03-03) - New Device Support - Added LiveConnect for some ARM devices
1.14.1651 (2023-01-13)
        MHD-1945    - SAM9x support
        MHD-2520    - EEC1005 device name correction
        ICD4-615    - Clear interrupt disable bit after a single step operation
        PK4-212     - Fix for SAMD21 release from reset after programming
1.13.1519 (2022-10-13) Update for MPLAB X 6.05
1.12.1384 (2022-03-22) New Device Support
1.11.1355 (2022-02-17) MPLABX-6774 - Enable software breakpoints for ATA570x devices
1.10.1305 (2021-12-14)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.00:
        - Bug Fixes
        - New Device Support
1.9.1163 (2021-06-07) IPE-1525 - Verify fails on dsPIC33EP-GS devices when programmed in single partition mode MPLABX-5903 - Code does not run after 4-wire production programming on PIC32MK
1.8.1120 (2021-04-30)
        MPLABX-5830 - Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega3208 and ATmega3209.
        ICD4-555    - Failure to program SAME5x when WDT is enabled
        ICD4-566    - Software breakpoint fix for MEC14xx family
        PK4-156     - Failure to halt on breakpoint for some mid-range devices
        PK4-159     - HCS410 Programming Failures
1.7.1028 (2021-02-19) - Bug Fixes - New Device Support
1.6.961 (2020-12-16)
        MPLABX-5815 - Fix for debug exec verify failures on some PIC16 devices
        FW5G-828    - PICKIT4 CMSIS-DAP 1.12.223 release
        FW5G-827    - Fix for ATmega32U4/16U4 JTAG debugging
        FW5G-762    - Added AVR-EA family support
        FW5G-804    - Fixed Vdd voltage tracking after UPDI HV pulse
        FW5G-803    - LED cosmetics
1.5.928 (2020-11-17)
        FW5G-788    - PICKIT4 CMSIS-DAP 1.11.204 release
        FW5G-700    - Fixed native CMSIS-DAP functionality
        FW5G-730    - Fixed UPDI baud rate
1.4.911 (2020-10-14)
        MPLABX-5271 - ICD4 and SAMV71 : Reading program memory to hex file renders board non functional
        ICD4-517    - Error when writing Lock words on ATSAME70 (requires MPLAB 5.45)
        PK4-116     - PIC24K programming issues at low voltage
        PK4-135     - Fix for VPP-first and adding Programmer-To-Go support for it (requires MPLAB 5.45)
        PK4-144     - Fix for programming time regression
        PK4-145     - Programmer-To-Go support for preserving Auxiliary memory on dsPIC33EP-MU devices (requires MPLAB 5.45)
1.3.875 (2020-08-21)
        Issues Fixed:
        - MPLABX-5569 - Alternating pass/fails when programming ATSAMC2x/D2x/L2x
        - ICD4-446 - Protocol failure when using incorrect PGC/D pair for debugging on PIC32M devices
        - ICD4-520 - dsPIC30F501x verify errors when code protection is turned on
        - ICD4-526 - Programming errors in single partition mode when single partition directive is specified in code (16-bit dual partition devices

        Known issues:
        - Fix for MPLABX-5569 may affect release from reset functionality (device will remain in reset after programming).
1.2.821 (2020-06-18) Fix for Programmer to Go failures on some 16-bit devices
1.1.774 (2020-05-14) Release for 5.40
1.0.61 (2020-02-24) Initial release
Version Description
2.9.699 (2025-02-26)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.25
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-7949     - ICD5 unable to correctly detect Device ID on Atmega324PB
          MPLABX-8560     - Enable smart programming for PIC32MK/MM/MX families
          PK4-217         - User ID erase failure at low voltage on PIC16 devices
2.8.645 (2025-01-20) - PK5-89 - Add capability to update BLE module firmware using the isupdate.exe utility (works in conjunction with ETN #39)
2.7.621 (2024-12-10)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          ICD5-43         - Reduced Ethernet throughput when programming iperf demo on SAM9X
2.6.557 (2024-10-15)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          ICD4-650        - DebugReset Failed Error on PIC32CX-MT devices
          PK4-280         - User Toggle Power dialog box not displayed
          PK5-61          - Slow debugging using PICkit5 on SAM9X
          PK5-64          - Bluetooth programming time improvement
          PK5-67          - Add PTG support for AT90CAN32/64 devices and a few other missing families
          PK5-70          - PTG hangs when using UPDI pin as GPIO
          MPLABX-8497     - Unable to Program PIC32CK GC01 Curiosity Ultra Kit
          SFMPLABX-1107   - Failed to initialize PIC32CX1025SG41064
          SFDBG-658       - Fix for ATMEG32A programming issue
2.5.391 (2024-05-01)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          PK5-56          - Programmer to go fails when programming a locked AVR UPDI device.
          MHD-3445        - Incorrect application ID address for RIPE_23 programming executive
          MHD-3587        - Update programming delays for PIC16F180xx family
          MHD-3607        - Programmer-To-Go AVR support for release from reset / hold in reset
2.4.366 (2024-03-07)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Some Fixes apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-8002     - ATA5702 Programming failure
          MPLABX-8054     - Pause and Resume doesn't work properly in SAM9X60
          MPLABX-8149     - Unable to Debug SAMA7G54 using MPLABX 6.15
          SFDBG-631       - Cannot enter debug mode on ATmega32A
          SFDBG-634       - Fix for EraseP command in the Programming Executive (Enhanced ICSP) on dsPIC33E/PIC24E devices
          SNAP-69         - Error when single stepping through a RESET instruction on dsPIC33E/dsPIC33C devices
2.3.327 (2024-01-17)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.20
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-266         - Failure to program config bits on some ATmega devices
2.2.322 (2024-01-03)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-232         - Dataflash programming error on PIC32CM devices
          PK4-251         - Programming spec violation for some legacy PIC18 devices
          PK4-253         - PICkit4,  PICkit5 and SNAP do not assert RESET pin on AVR devices
          PK4-254         - LVP support using PGM pin for PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 family
          PK5-39          - Connection fails when Switching between AVR and SAM targets
          SNAP-68         - Erase failure at 1.8V on XMEGA
2.1.245 (2023-07-26)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-239         - Fix for AVR range programming for ISP communication interface.
          MPLABX-7690     - Fix for AVR ATmega parts not properly displaying SFR values in Watch window using Step In and Step Over operations.
          PK4-229         - Fix for Programming Specification violation for 8-bit PIC parts.
          PK4-237         - Fix for inability to re-program the dsPIC33EP parts when secure segments are used.
          PK4-242         - MPLAB PICkit 4 and MPLAB PICkit 5:
                            Programmer-To-Go fix for AVR devices using JTAG communication interface.
          PK4-246         - MPLAB PICkit 4 and MPLAB PICkit 5:
                            Programmer-To-Go fix for AVR ATtiny devices using TPI communication interface.
          PK5-32          - MPLAB PICkit 4 and MPLAB PICkit 5:
                            Programmer-To-Go fix for AVR range programming.
          MHD-2493        - MPLAB PICkit 4 and MPLAB PICkit 5:
                            1) Fix to prepare for better IDE/IPE messaging for Vpp hardware limitation specific to MPLAB PICkit 4 (PCB revisions 1 through 5)
                            2) Fix to avoid MPLAB PICkit 4 (PCB revision 6) and MPLAB PICkit 5 (all PCB revisions) from artificially inheriting the Vpp hardware limitation of MPLAB PICkit 4 (PCB revisions 1 through 5).
          SFDBG-599       - Fix for Programming Specification violation PIC16F87x family.
2.0.210 (2023-05-04) Update for MPLAB X 6.10
Version Description
1.0.91 (2025-02-26)
        Initial release for MPLAB X 6.25
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-7949     - ICD5 unable to correctly detect Device ID on Atmega324PB
          MPLABX-8560     - Enable smart programming for PIC32MK/MM/MX families
          PK4-217         - User ID erase failure at low voltage on PIC16 devices
Version Description
1.19.1503 (2025-02-26)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.25
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-8560     - Enable smart programming for PIC32MK/MM/MX families
          PK4-217         - User ID erase failure at low voltage on PIC16 devices
1.18.1438 (2024-12-10) - New Device Support
1.17.1379 (2024-10-15)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          PKOB4-92        - PIC32CK GC01 Curiosity board PKoB4 does not program
1.16.1230 (2024-05-01)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          PKOB4-73        - TX from Host fails after packet size of about 470 bytes
          MHD-3445        - Incorrect application ID address for RIPE_23 programming executive
          MHD-3587        - Update programming delays for PIC16F180xx family
1.15.1204 (2024-03-07)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Some Fixes apply to multiple tools)
          SFDBG-634       - Fix for EraseP command in the Programming Executive (Enhanced ICSP) on dsPIC33E/PIC24E devices
          SNAP-69         - Error when single stepping through a RESET instruction on dsPIC33E/dsPIC33C devices
1.14.1168 (2024-01-17) Update for MPLAB X 6.20
1.13.1163 (2024-01-03) - New device support
1.12.1088 (2023-07-26)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-237         - Fix for inability to re-program the dsPIC33EP parts when secure segments are used.
          PK4-229         - Fix for Programming Specification violation for 8-bit PIC parts.
          SFDBG-599       - Fix for Programming Specification violation PIC16F87x family.
1.11.1054 (2023-05-04) Update for MPLAB X 6.10
1.10.1023 (2023-02-28) PKOB4-67 - Fixed UART Tx crash after large data transfers
1.9.1000 (2023-01-13) PK4-212 - Fix for SAMD21 release from reset after programming
1.8.869 (2022-10-13) Update for MPLAB X 6.05
1.7.738 (2022-03-22) New Device Support
1.6.710 (2022-02-17)
        Bootloader update to support serial numbers longer than 12 characters.

        Note: After installation, please use MPLAB X v6.00 to update the bootloader or use the Hardware Tool Emergency Boot Firmware Recovery tool on MPLAB X v5.50 or older versions.
1.5.665 (2021-12-14)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.00:
        - Bug Fixes
        - New Device Support
1.4.527 (2021-06-07) IPE-1525 - Verify fails on dsPIC33EP-GS devices when programmed in single partition mode MPLABX-5903 - Code does not run after 4-wire production programming on PIC32MK
1.3.453 (2021-04-09)
        MPLABX-5830 - Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega3208 and ATmega3209.
        PKOB4-42 - Fix for Virtual Com Port not working (i.e., Curiosity Board LPC).
        New device support.
1.2.293 (2020-10-14) Release for MPLAB X 5.45
1.1.166 (2020-05-14) Release for 5.40
1.0.36 (2020-02-24) Initial release
Version Description
1.8.909 (2025-03-04) - FW3G-250 Added support for AVR-SD. - FW3G-285 Firmware release 1.66.22.
1.7.817 (2024-09-17) - DSG-7467 Enabled support for AVR DA S devices (PDID feature).
1.6.787 (2024-04-15) - DEVXML-5903 Added support for PIC32CM and PIC32CK devices.
1.5.738 (2023-08-21)
        - FW3G-174, FW3G-175, FW3G-179 Added support for AVR-DU.
        - FW3G-186 Added support for BOOTROW memory.
        - FW3G-187, FW3G-193, FW3G-234 Improved UPDI reliability when WDT or CRC is enabled.
        - FW3G-194 Firmware release 1.64.12.
1.4.492 (2022-03-29)
        - MPLABX-6293 Enabled read of memories while debugging for SAM parts.
        - MPLABX-5830 Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega3208 and ATmega3209.
        - MPLABX-5797 Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega128A ATmega128.
        - FW3G-168 Support for AVR EA, FW version 1.61.163.
1.3.224 (2020-10-14) Maintenance release: updated metadata, no functional changes.
1.2.165 (2020-06-05) Added support for ATSAMD20E15BU and ATSAMD20E16BU.
1.1.139 (2020-05-14) Release for v5.40.
1.1.105 (2020-04-22) Improvements to UPDI HV activation.
1.0.32 (2020-02-24) Initial release.
Version Description
1.8.730 (2025-02-19) Release for 6.25.
1.7.660 (2024-01-17) Release for 6.20.
1.6.642 (2023-05-04) Release for 6.10.
1.5.525 (2022-10-11) Release for 6.05.
1.4.399 (2021-12-14) Release for 6.00.
1.3.289 (2021-04-27) Release for 5.50.
1.2.190 (2020-10-20) Maintenance release for fixing release history.
1.1.185 (2020-10-14) Release for 5.45.
1.0.100 (2020-05-14) Release for 5.40.
Version Description
2.8.1532 (2025-02-26)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.25
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-7949     - ICD5 unable to correctly detect Device ID on Atmega324PB
          MPLABX-8560     - Enable smart programming for PIC32MK/MM/MX families
          PK4-217         - User ID erase failure at low voltage on PIC16 devices
2.7.1470 (2024-12-10)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          ICD5-43         - Reduced Ethernet throughput when programming iperf demo on SAM9X
          Snap-74         - Green 'Active' LED does not turn on
2.6.1412 (2024-10-15)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          ICD4-650        - DebugReset Failed Error on PIC32CX-MT devices
          PK5-61          - Slow debugging using PICkit5 on SAM9X
          MPLABX-8497     - Unable to Program PIC32CK GC01 Curiosity Ultra Kit
          SFMPLABX-1107   - Failed to initialize PIC32CX1025SG41064
          SFDBG-658       - Fix for ATMEG32A programming issue
2.5.1261 (2024-05-01)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Fixes can apply to multiple tools)
          MHD-3445        - Incorrect application ID address for RIPE_23 programming executive
          MHD-3587        - Update programming delays for PIC16F180xx family
2.4.1239 (2024-03-07)
        - New Device Support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: Some Fixes apply to multiple tools)
          MPLABX-8002     - ATA5702 Programming failure
          MPLABX-8054     - Pause and Resume doesn't work properly in SAM9X60
          MPLABX-8149     - Unable to Debug SAMA7G54 using MPLABX 6.15
          SFDBG-631       - Cannot enter debug mode on ATmega32A
          SFDBG-634       - Fix for EraseP command in the Programming Executive (Enhanced ICSP) on dsPIC33E/PIC24E devices
          SNAP-69         - Error when single stepping through a RESET instruction on dsPIC33E/dsPIC33C devices
          SNAP-71         - Snap fails with "Script Halt Failed status = 0x104" error while debugging ATmega32A.

          SNAP-70         - Release a new MPLAB Snap ICD Bootloader that understands an 18-character serial number
          MPLABX-8289     - MPLAB IDE times out during firmware upgrade (only with new MPLAB Snap ICD PCB revision 2)
                            Only applies to:
                                a) MPLAB Snap ICD Hardware PCB revision 2 (see MPLAB Output window)
                                b) MPLAB X IDE/IPE v6.20 and all versions prior

                            IMPORTANT: When using the Hardware Tool Emergency Boot Recovery utility please follow these steps:

                            1) Ensure Microchip.Snap_TP.2.4.1232.atpack (or higher) is installed (it does not need to be specifically selected in the tool settings).
                            2) Execute the Hardware Tool Emergency Boot Recovery utility.
2.3.1200 (2024-01-17)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.20
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-266         - Failure to program config bits on some ATmega devices
2.2.1195 (2024-01-03)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-232         - Dataflash programming error on PIC32CM devices
          PK4-251         - Programming spec violation for some legacy PIC18 devices
          PK4-253         - PICkit4,  PICkit5 and SNAP do not assert RESET pin on AVR devices
          PK4-254         - LVP support using PGM pin for PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 family
          SNAP-68         - Erase failure at 1.8V on XMEGA
2.1.1120 (2023-07-26)
        - New device support
        - Issues Fixed: (NOTE: When applicable, multiple tools inherit fix from single-tool issue number.)
          PK4-239         - Fix for AVR range programming for ISP communication interface.
          MPLABX-7690     - Fix for AVR ATmega parts not properly displaying SFR values in Watch window using Step In and Step Over operations.
          PK4-229         - Fix for Programming Specification violation for 8-bit PIC parts.
          PK4-237         - Fix for inability to re-program the dsPIC33EP parts when secure segments are used.
          SFDBG-599       - Fix for Programming Specification violation PIC16F87x family.
2.0.1087 (2023-05-04) Update for MPLAB X 6.10
1.14.1052 (2023-02-28) - New Device Support - Added LiveConnect for some ARM devices
1.13.1022 (2023-01-13)
        MHD-1945    - SAM9x support
        MHD-2520    - EEC1005 device name correction
        ICD4-615    - Clear interrupt disable bit after a single step operation
        PK4-212     - Fix for SAMD21 release from reset after programming
1.12.889 (2022-10-13) Update for MPLAB X 6.05
1.11.759 (2022-03-22) New Device Support
1.10.701 (2022-01-28) Update to release log. No other changes.
1.10.698 (2022-01-26)
        FW5G-999    - AVR/CMSIS-DAP firmware image 1.10.249 containing:
        FW5G-1038   - Update for AVR-EA family support
        FW5G-1064   - Fixed masked-read function
        FW5G-970    - Fix: 2kHz as lowest ISP clock setting
1.9.685 (2021-12-14)
        Update for MPLAB X 6.00:
        - Bug Fixes
        - New Device Support
1.8.552 (2021-06-07) IPE-1525 - Verify fails on dsPIC33EP-GS devices when programmed in single partition mode MPLABX-5903 - Code does not run after 4-wire production programming on PIC32MK
1.7.510 (2021-04-30)
        MPLABX-5830 - Fixed wrong number of breakpoints for ATmega3208 and ATmega3209.
        ICD4-555    - Failure to program SAME5x when WDT is enabled
        ICD4-566    - Software breakpoint fix for MEC14xx family
        PK4-156     - Failure to halt on breakpoint for some mid-range devices
        PK4-159     - HCS410 Programming Failures
1.6.417 (2021-02-19) - Bug Fixes - New Device Support
1.5.353 (2020-12-16)
        MPLABX-5815 - Fix for debug exec verify failures on some PIC16 devices
        FW5G-841    - Snap CMSIS-DAP 1.8.207 release
        FW5G-827    - Fix for ATmega32U4/16U4 JTAG debugging
        FW5G-762    - Added AVR-EA family support
1.4.321 (2020-11-17)
        FW5G-775    - Snap CMSIS-DAP 1.7.194 release
        FW5G-700    - Fixed native CMSIS-DAP functionality
        FW5G-730    - Fixed UPDI baud rate
1.3.305 (2020-10-14)
        MPLABX-5271 - ICD4 and SAMV71 : Reading program memory to hex file renders board non functional
        ICD4-517    - Error when writing Lock words on ATSAME70 (requires MPLAB 5.45)
        PK4-116     - PIC24K programming issues at low voltage
        PK4-144     - Fix for programming time regression
1.2.275 (2020-08-21)
        Issues Fixed:
        - MPLABX-5569 - Alternating pass/fails when programming ATSAMC2x/D2x/L2x
        - ICD4-446 - Protocol failure when using incorrect PGC/D pair for debugging on PIC32M devices
        - ICD4-526 - Programming errors in single partition mode when single partition directive is specified in code (16-bit dual partition devices
        - SNAP-59 - 4-wire JTAG failures on PIC32M devices

        Known issues:
        - Fix for MPLABX-5569 may affect release from reset functionality (device will remain in reset after programming).
1.1.178 (2020-05-14) Release for 5.40
1.0.44 (2020-02-24) Initial release